Anyone using BFD

Anyone using BFD with N-Track?

Up until now I haven’t done any recording in N-Track, I tracked on my VF160 and transferred the WAV files over…I guess now I have to learn to record.

Can anyone give me the simple overview of how to use BFD as a plug to write drum parts?




At USD329 and consuming 9Gigabytes of diskspace, I don’t think many people here will be using it.
Take a look at Jamstix for something more affordable.


I’ve already got BFD…just trying to figure out the best way to use it in N-Tracks.

I’ve sort of got it working…I created a new track, set it to stereo, and brought up the BFD plug. Oh, first I had to go in to the plug prefs and enable it to show VST instruments.

One weird thing. I have this track set up, fire up the plug, hit play/record, goof around with the sounds. When I stop recording, the track is blank, but N-Track creates 2 new tracks that have nothing but low level noise.


You have to make sure that the audio out from your vsti is being routed to the record input of your soundcard.
Open the Record vu meter in NTrack and play with the vsti, if the meter does not move, your soundcard is receiving no audio.
Open the soundcard mixer and set the recording source from there. If in doubt, just select each one in turn until you hit the right one (probably wave I think)


Thanks for your help Beefy.

I can’t seem to get this to work…I have a M-Audio 2496. No matter what I select in the Delta mixer I’m not getting anything on my recording meter.
