Are your ears actually "golden"?

Hi Nils K:

I’m sorry about that remark I made in that earlier reply.
It was not directed toward any one audiologist…
I learned from your post that Nils K’s career centers around the aspect of hearing…

You see, when you make comments on message boards up here you can never retract what you say…
they go on forever and into cyber…

My Mother…
God Love her…
She’ll be 91 on the 24th day of this month…
She wears two hearing aids…
I can tell from looking at her when I’m around her that the hearing aids are a front to her inability to understand conversations…
She smiles and nodes her head from time-to-time to let her company know she’s grasping what is being said…
I notice at times she turns up her hearing aids so that I can hear the feedback from across the room…
It’s something like a 1 khz. tone that I hear…
I can see that she is not aware that the aids are ringing…

It’s so bad

Nils K

What ????
Do you Do ????
I appear to be made of that very same Fabric…
My Mom
has a very negative attitude…
She can’t understand why she is still here, with us…
She knows exactly what happened 64 years ago…
But she doesn’t know what she had for dinner yesterday…

What Do You Do ????
