Court Order to Stop Clinton

Treason is considered

Court Order to Stop Clinton


To make rabbit stew, 1st you catch a rabbit.
To make a clinton stew, 1st you catch a clinton.
Very useful will be a judge who will construct a court order rabbit snare,and an attorney who knows how to set it.

1) Goals
a) Stop WW3 (World War 3) before it explodes to international proportions.
b) Stop Clinton and Gore from re-enacting Hitler history.
c) Prevent Clinton and Gore from implementing martial law using a trumped up Y2K confusion.
d) Remove all NEPs from Clinton and Gore.
e) Rescind and nullify all existing ELs and laws that make them laws. See Definitions.
f) Return to our Constitutional Republic.
g) Hold the President, the Vice-President and Congress personally accountable and liable for damage from all unconstitutional actions of all branches of the federal government.
h) Hold accountable and demand and enforce the whole truth from an honest viewpoint from
i) President
ii) Vice-President.
iii) Congress.
iv) All heads of federal agencies and departments.
v) all public financed, directly or indirectly, representatives and employees.
i) Expose an unseen enemy, the BBLs, thus bringing the sedition and treason provisions of the Constitution into issue.
j) Issue a restraining Court Order (hereinafter called the Court Order or CO4.)
k) Legislation herein refers to federal legislation.
l) Allow Congress a chance to redeem itself by acting quickly and decisively on this CO4.

2) Definitions
a) NEP - National Emergency Power; most probably NOT Constitutional.
b) NES - National emergency Status; gives President dictatorial powers.
c) EL - Executive Law; made by the President; most probably NOT Constitutional; includes all ELs that Congress allows to become law after 30 days of Congressional inaction; includes EO, PD, PDD, NSD, NSDD, PP and all such items. The ELs under discussion in this CO4 are those not provided for in the Constitution.
d) EO- executive order; is NOT a law, but can become one, though probably unconstitutional.
e) PP - Presidential Proclamation; is NOT a law, but can become one, though probably unconstitutional.
f) PDD - Presidential Decision Directive; worse than an EO; is NOT a law; but can become one, though probably unconstitutional.
g) NSD - National Security Directive; is NOT a law, but can become one, though probably unconstitutional.
h) NSDD - National Security Decision Directive - is NOT a law, but can become one, though probably unconstitutional.
i) War - any military attack; includes Iraq and Bosnia.
j) BBLs - Billionaire Banklords; bank owners that count their assets in the billions of dollars; Rockefeller family; 13, m/l, foreign banking families that principally own the Fed. See Endnotes (4)(5)
k) Fed - Federal Reserve System; a misnomer and Constitutionally illegal entity principally owned by European bankers called the BBLs.
l) “Could have known and should have known” - court precedent set by a 1945 California Court, following a precedent set by President Lincoln. (6)
m) A number in parenthesis (3) not in this outline left margin indicates endnotes.
n) Unreal - imaginary; opposite of real; intangible. (7)
o) HAARP - an antenna array in Alaska that directs powerful beams into the ionosphere. The beams bounce back with greatly increased, destructive force to targets on Earth. Damage to the ionosphere is possible.
p) Constitution - The Constitution of the U.S. and it’s inherent Bill of Rights. (Hereafter called the Constitution.)
q) Rule of Law - When applied correctly, it protects your personal freedom; not the group rights the liberals and establishment media try to push, but our individual rights and liberties. (Documentation)
r) Oath of Office - oath in which they swore to uphold the Constitution.
s) Misprision of Felony Law - persons knowing of a crime must report it.
t) Accessory After the Fact Law - person participates in the crime.
u.) Posse Comitatus - outlaws military attacking civilians.
v) Y2K - Year 2000
i) Refers to the computers crashing due to a 1999 limit in their programs.
ii) Is not difficult to fix.
iii) fixed by businesses but not by government.
iv) Clinton wants the crash for an excuse to implement martial law.

Interesting reading.


Interesting reading.

Yep. Interesting indeed. Makes you wonder don’t it?