Ever have a song...

Quote: (TomS @ May 25 2009, 11:45 AM)

Although I also have parent's block, homeowner's block, wage block, car trouble block, and NHL confernece finals block.
Many things blocking the way to the recording space...


There's no excesses for success! :laugh: Hey your not used taking time on tunes. That I can tell anyway. I don't spend much time on them either but when I do it doesn't hurt!

But as a teacher, why do I always spell either with an a? "eather"
either eather ither or? :laugh:

With all your responsibilities and family life, we are lucky to have you in the indi music world! :agree:

I think the word is “aether.”

If I sit down to write something, it doesn’t work. I need inspiration, that can be a melody in my head or something I see on TV…whatever, when the song comes like that, it is usually structured in my mind in five minutes,… another five minutes to write the lyrics and I’m on the way :laugh: