flstudio promotion

if you’ve thought about purchasing flstudio for creating drums, etc… they’re starting a new promotion to entice existing customers to bring in new customers by word of mouth. it basically offers new customers a 10% discount off of their flstudio purchase. (you can get the basic version for $90 instead of $100).

i’m sure there are other flstudio users here who have a promo code, but if anyone is interested… pm me and i will send you mine. could be a good opportunity if you were looking at purchasing the software anyways.

more info on the product here:


edit: i wonder if a promotion like this could work for n-track…

Fruity is cool. I’ve had it for a while now and have not even scratched the surface of what it can do. It is sooo much more than a “drum machine” which is what I really intended to use it for when I got it. It’s a great song/soundscape creation tool IMO.

Well worth the hunnert bucks.