Free listen today on Rhapsody

The List

Poppa, Thank you for posting that list.
I heard an interview with Rosanne on npr,
they played a few of the tracks, and it all sounded great.
She talked about how prior
to her dad giving her this list she was deeply into more pop type stuff, specifically she
was the head of her local Beatle fan club.
But she went back later to the list her
father had given her, and what a great album came out of it.

That’s a red flag to me.


That's a red flag to me


Quote: (pingcat @ Oct. 10 2009, 8:34 PM)


That's a red flag to me


I don't know.
The idea of free listens seems a little like they might be getting desperate. Hoping that I'm wrong from a music business side. Going by the title of the thread; "free listens on rhapsody". Depends I guess if he means the all of rhapsody or a few select artists.

Ok, cool Levi, I see what you mean.
I thought the reference to “Beatles” or “NPR” was
the red flag for you.
(And hey thanks D for the just in time vintage photo).
I have a small influence from country music (rock and blues are my main desire), however
Cash is one of those artists that go to me, and the interview his daughter gave
was really very touching.
Johnny didn’t try to force her to his point of view, but
instead presented her with a list of pretty cool tunes to show her there is a wide world
of options out there.
And that some of the genres of music that are supposedly incompatible, actually share much, and get along nicely.
A lot of us take that for
granted today, but back then
I think it was unusual.
What I have heard of this latest
album, I do like.
But I am an oldster, and rarely buy anything, let alone a CD, so what
do I know?

Johnny Cash was such a visionary… My son (19) found Cash last year and was smitten for a good six months or more. His influence and influences do indeed reach very, very deep.

My son has even taken to doing a few coffee shop solo gigs with acoustic guitar. Largely because Johnny Cash’s music proved to him that ‘simple’ is not necessarily a bad thing.

Ask the Reverend Billy Gibbons about Johnny Cash. He is fond of saying ZZ Top has made a fortune and they only know three lousy chords…