FYI - high quality MP3's available

from my web site

Hey everyone,

I’ve now got almost my entire music catalog online at my web site. High quality MP3 (192 kbps) files are available for $0.99 a song. I also have a bunch of free songs (192 kbps), and some songs available from previous bands and recording. Also, there are links to my YouTube video’s about The Yankee Flyer, etc.

My latest project is finishing a collection of poems by H.D. Thoreau that I have put to music. I started this project in the 70’s but never finished it. You can hear what I’ve completed so far. Unfortunately, I don’t want to display the poems themselves, as I am concerned about copyrights (even though Thoreau’s been dead for over a hundred yeasrs). Some of these songs are available for sale.
