Got the wrong answer?  Please be polite

Was the question clear?

I am not encouraged to have folks who want help to express their frustration at forum members who have tried to help. I am seeing this more often lately.

Replies that don’t answer the question are still replies and are generally the result of not understanding the question posed.
So, if we do not understand the question correctly, you may have to rephrase the question to get the help you wish.
Remember, no one is obligated to answer, we do it to try and help.

There are some people here, like yourself, who on a regular basis, go out of your way to help, I can name a number of forum members who, each week, day after day take the time to help. I hope that none of my posts have contributed to you response… I learn something new everyday coming here and your expertise is always welcome. Your help is not mooted by any means and is, as always welcome. It’s persons, like you Bax3, that makes the experience always a treat. Perhaps it’s a good time to give you a “special thank you” for all your advice and time shared here helping people here, you too TonyR. I now bow to your excellency with reverend passage of that of a king or queen, with emphasis on the king…