Hitting those high notes

One Man Country Band

I tell yaa the voice has a hard time keeping up the way It use to be,when I was younger…

My voice Is a bit low…something like Poppas ??? …But I seem to have trouble hitting the high note part of the songs.

What are the tricks to hit those notes…cold water??..deep breaths?

I want to start to sing my old Hank Williams tunes

anyone else run Into this?


I need to get rid of that strain sound.

I have never taking singing lessons…I just wing It and get by…But I sure enjoy this N Track…I know I have a lot to learn but I can atleast get a song out…I will need to learn how to clean up the tracks…but for now I’m Happy with It

band I was in had a vise on a big stump up on stage,and that if anyone asked was to help the vocalist hit that high part by him sticking his,
well you can kinda guess :laugh:

I haven’t heard you yet but from experience with myself and others - the key is breathing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve hit the stop button and had to remind someone to fill their lungs. The more you have behind a note the easier it is to hit.


I haven't heard you yet but from experience with myself and others - the key is breathing. I can't tell you how many times I've hit the stop button and had to remind someone to fill their lungs. The more you have behind a note the easier it is to hit.

Poppa's advice will help a lot. Another thing you might consider is trying the song in a different key. When I was younger, I would never have considered such a thing, but now, finding a key suitable to my voice is the first thing I try.

Increasing the pitch of the human voice surgically (assuming normal vocal cords) is accomplished by:

Stretching the vocal cords thin

Cricothyroid approximation

Decreasing the length of the vocal cords
Anterior glottic web

Laryngofissure approach (excising half the vocal cord lengths and reattaching)
Obviously there are risks involved with each of these procedures and voice therapy is mandatory both before and after the procedure for best outcomes.

Please contact our office for an appointment with Dr. Chang if you are unhappy with your voice.

A little drastic - but hell why not?

Excerpt is from this URL


A simple rubberband wrapped around the gonads 20 times will “MAKE” ya hit the high notes with extreme clarity! :laugh:

Age and gravity make vocal ranges much lower. Correct breathing and using your diaphragm can help a lot, not singing from the throat or nose but from the gut.

"What are the tricks to hit those notes…cold water??..deep breaths?"

hell no! cold water before you sing is not gonna help at all!

I started vocal coaching a while ago and wrote a few modules, so if it helps I can send you all 4 modules (mail me) but for your specific request this seems to work very well…

1-Diet dont’s…Too much caffeine, alcohol or acidic drinks before you sing can cause dryness or excess phlegm.
drinks with 'fizz can create too much air in the stomach.
Ice cold drinks can cause your throat to constrict so avoid them
Try not to eat just before singing. If possible, you should leave a 2-3 hour gap between meals and singing to make sure that all your food has been digested.
(having food in your stomach hinders your diaphragm and can make it difficult to use your lungs top their full capacity)

2-breathing tech…Controlling your rate of exhalation is one of the main ‘keys’ to singing.
Good breathing techniques will help you to sing louder, softer, higher, lower, and for longer.
When you breath normally you only actually fill your upper lungs with air causing your chest and shoulders to rise and fall, we will call this ‘vertical breathing’.
Vocalists need to fill their lower lungs causing your abdomen and back to expand outward, leaving your shoulders relaxed and your chest stationary, ‘horizontal breathing’.

3-breathing tech exercise… Lay flat on your back.

Place your hands on your waist, fingers pointing towards your belly button.
Focus on filling up your stomach from the bottom to the top taking a slow deep breath.
The aim is not to fill yourself to bursting, this should not feel uncomfortable, you should be able to inhale enough air so that you can feel the difference (internally and externally) between a shallow breath and your lungs filling your chest, abdomen, sides and back.

Breath out slowly to a count of 5
Master this first lying down and then in both sitting and standing positions.

4-vocal range exercise… using the above breathing technique…starting at a comfortable ‘mid range’ note, make the sound heeee… stretching/sliding the note up through the semitones until you break through from your ‘chest voice’ to your ‘head voice’ (This transition should be smooth and the gradual increase should be steady and controlled). Keep going until you can go no higher and hold that note.

Hope some of it helps!

Ange x

Quote: (ange @ Jan. 16 2009, 9:48 AM)

"What are the tricks to hit those notes...cold water??...deep breaths?"

hell no! cold water before you sing is not gonna help at all!

I started vocal coaching a while ago and wrote a few modules, so if it helps I can send you all 4 modules (mail me) but for your specific request this seems to work very well...

1-Diet dont's...Too much caffeine, alcohol or acidic drinks before you sing can cause dryness or excess phlegm.
drinks with 'fizz can create too much air in the stomach.
Ice cold drinks can cause your throat to constrict so avoid them
Try not to eat just before singing. If possible, you should leave a 2-3 hour gap between meals and singing to make sure that all your food has been digested.
(having food in your stomach hinders your diaphragm and can make it difficult to use your lungs top their full capacity)

2-breathing tech...Controlling your rate of exhalation is one of the main 'keys' to singing.
Good breathing techniques will help you to sing louder, softer, higher, lower, and for longer.
When you breath normally you only actually fill your upper lungs with air causing your chest and shoulders to rise and fall, we will call this 'vertical breathing'.
Vocalists need to fill their lower lungs causing your abdomen and back to expand outward, leaving your shoulders relaxed and your chest stationary, 'horizontal breathing'.

3-breathing tech exercise... Lay flat on your back.

Place your hands on your waist, fingers pointing towards your belly button.
Focus on filling up your stomach from the bottom to the top taking a slow deep breath.
The aim is not to fill yourself to bursting, this should not feel uncomfortable, you should be able to inhale enough air so that you can feel the difference (internally and externally) between a shallow breath and your lungs filling your chest, abdomen, sides and back.

Breath out slowly to a count of 5
Master this first lying down and then in both sitting and standing positions.

4-vocal range exercise... using the above breathing technique...starting at a comfortable 'mid range' note, make the sound heeee... stretching/sliding the note up through the semitones until you break through from your 'chest voice' to your 'head voice' (This transition should be smooth and the gradual increase should be steady and controlled). Keep going until you can go no higher and hold that note.

Hope some of it helps!

Ange x

Hey thanks for those tips...By the way I listened to one of your old songs...You have a great voice

Thanks again
