Right-wing smear, lies & propaganda

It’s sites like this that have caused politics to get so ugly in America. And I don’t visit left-wing sites either because I get tired of their distortions also, but HumansEventsOnline is OVER-THE-TOP!!

The liberals & the Democrat’s have no power at all now & right-wing sites like this one, continue to bash us. It’s really sad. What are they going to do when they can’t blame us for everything.

Mr Soul

Oh, the left still has a lot of power. they’re thinking of a fillibuster of Gonzales… :)

Oh, the left still has a lot of power. they're thinking of a fillibuster of Gonzales...
Sure but if they do that, they'll get villianized & called rascists even more.

We need to pick our battles very carefully & I don't think going after Gonzales is smart (even though I don't like the guy).

Things have got to go south either in Iraq or here for the tides to turn. I still think it's quite possible that some form of civil war may break out in Iraq. If that happens, the Republican's are cooked.

If that doesn't happen (and I really hope it doesn't), things will have to go wacky here, which I think may be possible also.

Mr Soul

Go after all of them. That’s been the GOP’s strategy. Nothing racist in pointing out that someone is not qualified.

Sure I know that but it’s the spin/smear machine that we’re fighting.

Ah, whether it is right to smear when smeared…?

I have a new signature quote:

“What is most remarkable about governments is not their incredible capacityto repress dissent but their fragility when their moral nakedness is exposed.”

that’s from Theodore Koontz, prof of ethics and peace studies at the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana, USA. :)

"What is most remarkable about governments is not their incredible capacityto repress dissent but their fragility when their moral nakedness is exposed."

And the wonderful thing about democracy, is that 99% of the voters haven't got the faintest idea what that statement means! LOL

"He said wha....? ..........So, Jerry Springer on da TV yet?"

Ali. :D