Mixing vs. Mastering

Good idea, phoo, for checking stereo balance. Helps minimize the effect of asymmetric ear response (when left and right ears have different built-in EQ).

Makako, you’d get better results if, when you mixdown prior to moving the cut to a new project, mixdown to 32-bit floating point, and stay in whatever sample rate you started at. 32-bit float is way cool, since
(a) you lose zero fidelity between your mix and importing
(b) if your mix happens to clip and you missed it, no worries – 32-bit format doesn’t clip. (It registers an “over”, but doesn’t alter the signal.)

If you bothered to record in a higher frequency than 44.1kHz, might as well get that advantage (if any) in the mastering process too. But more importantly, you don’t want to run FX on any artifacts created in the downsampling process – that just amplifies any artifacts.

Rule of thumb, and only reasons to break it are bad ones: downsample (sample rate and then bit depth) as the very final steps. Dithering on the bit depth reduction, of course.

I’ll admit that these are fine points. But the 32-bit float format is just too good not to use.

Quote (makako @ Aug. 10 2005,15:57)
- Mixdown at the final midia quality (If CD´s: 44.1 KHz/16 bits).

I think you'd be better off mixing down to the same resolution or higher than your final format if you can help it as any limiting in particular will squish more into less bits anyway. The more you've got to start with the better, it would seem to me.

Like I said above: when preparing to master, mix to 32-bit float and stay in the sample rate you started at.

Rate conversion is the second last step of mastering. Bit depth converion, with dithering, is the final step. (If your software does these in one step, fine!)

There’s lots of interesting reading on this page…


now that Flavio is codeing Surrond Sound into his Builds… I have downloaded and I’m beginning to explore this VST plug-in…


I’ve added this 0ne, to my VST plug-in folder and I’m gonna be playing with it in some of the individual tracks that I’m placing in the mixes I’m doing, here…

In one article, they discuss the use of, and use the Radio Shack SPL Meter for calibrating your Monitors and Studio repro Set-up… in relation to the Bottom-End, in Mixes…

However, there is lots of reading material there on Bass Managment for Surrond Sound Mixing and all… It’s a fastenating Site… It’s worth the effort to go and Browse it… that’s if, you haven’t already done, so…

In my opinion… these types of plugs that are available there, for the downloading, are most important to Mixing-and-Mastering…



I’ve been working on this project from the technical approach… It has nothing to do with the content or musical taste, or whatever…

It has to do with the (Stereo Image Plug)…

I’d like to post the three tracks that make up the mix, that can be created useing this Effect… There will be four tracks…in total… However, I’m still on a Dial-up and modem… Later tonight I’ll post a link to the tracks that make up the project… The tracks, in no way. improve the song…from the Track Content Approach… but it shows how the dynamics/ambience of a Mix or a Master can influence the audio preception… with the use of this plug…


Hi Guys:
I posted some tracks to this project I’ve been working on, today…


I didn’t know what to call this project… but I’d like to think that when finallizing/rendering tracks/songs/that make up a porject… this kind of work would fall into this same catagory, of Mixing vs. Mastering…and all…

I describe the http://www.artistcollaboration.com/users…x01.wma file as a rendering of three tracks that originally came from this file… http://www.artistcollaboration.com/users…n02.wma

There is no compression, expansion,limiting,or any other effects, added to these tracks,… except…

Tracks 2 and 3 has been processed by this Stereo Image Plug-in…

They should all LINE up on the Time-Line,and play in sync… However, the composite that I rendered, is from tracks 1-2-and 3…

I know… they are Lo-Fi .wma files… They need conversion to get them back to .wav files… Lottsa LOSS… but it’s the effect that Im interested in convey’ing to to this thread…

For anyone who’s interested, after you place them on the Time-Line… solo tracks 2 and3… or… in any combination… there of… for that matter…
