Psycho a go go

In the 90s i really got into the nuggets & pebble series of albums & discoverd all sots of wonderful 60s garage & pschedelic bands. this was one band i really liked - The Sonics,there version of louie louie was incredible.

heres something for all you guys i found this on youtube recently.
i warn you we will be trying this in a future video if our chiropracters allow it!


Yes? You rang? Whut can I do ye’ fer?


In other species of animals it is the male’s that dance around in colorful plumage to attract a mate…

Sometimes it is good to be part of the human species… :agree:

keep shinin

jerm :cool:


You know…
you are showing your age…

That stuff is two gererations ago…


Nice one, Tina. This is gonna be a riot;-)