recording drums with midi

soul&folk, if you just drag the notes, you may get an unwanted change in timing as well. It depends on the note placement and grid settings.

I’ve never had to “move it around to get crossed arrows”. If I right-click on any selected note, it affects all selected notes. I’ve done this a gazillion times (usually for things other than transposing). However, I’m still using 3.x. There may be a bug in the 4.x GUI code.

In 3.x, the cursor image isn’t reliable. Sometimes it gets stuck as the crosshairs. Sometimes it gets stuck as the arrow. Other times it works as it’s supposed: when you’re over a note, it changes from arrow to crosshairs. In any case, I find I can’t rely on the cursor changing properly.

Perhaps you just need to zoom in to click on the event more easily.

Also, you don’t mention this, but you can select all the notes in one line by clicking on the list at the left (sometimes displayed as a keyboard, sometimes as a list of drum instruments). Hopefully that’s what you meant by “select all notes in a line”.

But I sure did forget to mention “Properties”. Oops! I need a RAM upgrade for my brain.