Second sound editing issue

a volume, EQ thing

Wow, my volume and EQ issues need help.

Have a collection of wavs that I have made into a cd.

It is my fault from the originals, but one wav is louder than the others and one has muffle that simple EQ and volume tricks would tweak out.

a) The volume issue. How do I remixdown a wav so that the volume is agreeable to a collection of other wavs?

b) How do I do an EQ thing in a wav… similar question to a)?

c) Can I do a volume or EQ adjustment on part of a wav? Example is a 1 minute long interview has the last three seconds spoken too softly (ie how to turn the volume up for that part only) or the last three seconds a bit bassy (how to make the EQ mellow the bass out for that part only).

Thanks for your help.

Alaska rules! (I lived there :slight_smile: