A Million And One Things Unsaid

new toon

Hi all.
This one’s been knocking around for about 3 months or so, and I had a spare afternoon to finish it off so to speak today…


I thought it was a little Hanny Montannyish at first but it’s really growing on me now.
I think I’m calling it ‘A Million And One Things Unsaid’…

Comments appreciated!

Jeepers you write good songs.

Frankly, Hanny Montanyish is not bad in my book - imagine making that much money on a few songs…

Can you remind me how you record and mix your vocals?

All the Willis folk like it a lot! I told 'em all that you were actually a big jerk though. :agree:

Thanks Tom.

Imagine making that much money in a lifetime!!

Vox = me sat in the exact spot in my avatar with a microphone in my hand, or if I manage to get space on a stand.
Then backing vox either sang twice and panned hard left and right or sang once and split. Again panned L&R.
Second backing vox usually the same but not panned as far. That’s about it…

i could see how this would grow on ya. classic spreaderjerk chord pattern and melody. sounds crisp, as usual. me, being me, could use more bass (guitar). even with the subwoofer on, it could have more punch at 40-60Hz or so. but that’s just me being me, you know.

Great TUNE Craig! “Pop” is an apt genre for it. It NEEDS to be on the radio with you receiving royalty checks for each play. NICE!!! :agree:


Howdy Craig,
Like it just like it is. Even on me laptop. It will sound even better tomorrow when I hook up my speakers.
This is another very cool song,

Now the night it envelopes the corner of my mind
It looks so dark I feel as if I’m blind
Like in volume envelopes? :laugh: darn you are hurtin, poor guy! Don’t worry about it! There are plenty fishes in the seas :agree:

The boy’s a great writer - but still a jerk.
My grand daughter absolutely loves him. She loves Spreader Craig and Hanie Montanie.
She still asks to hear your “top of the tree song” as she calls it. :laugh:

Wow, thanks all!
Dubious…royalty checks…mmmmmm I nice thought if only…
Levi, I guess I’m just drawing on past experience there :;):

We all love the ‘oldgrizz’ over here too… :)
Jdet I always struggle with ALL my eq levels…

You can call him a jerk or what ever, the boy can write some great hooks! Wish I was half the jerk he is! :laugh:
Great job Craig!

What mic, Craig?

if you put too much bass in there, it would destroy the pop sound. slippery slope.

A nice expensive bass is what I need for christmas!! Along with lessons!!

Tom I use a cheapo Shure PG58 mic. Standard on board soundcard etc…As a consequence vox always needs mega noise reduction, compression and amplification etc. etc.

Cheers Yaz, although I’m sure your a big jerk too… :cool:

Quote: (spreadercraig @ Nov. 11 2008, 3:26 PM)

Tom I use a cheapo Shure PG58 mic. Standard on board soundcard etc...As a consequence vox always needs mega noise reduction, compression and amplification etc. etc.

Cheers Yaz, although I'm sure your a big jerk too..... :cool:

I've got a couple of the PG57's Craig, nothing to get excited over but not a bad mic for the bucks. I've heard worse, like those $10 Nady's, Walmart Mr. Microphone, etc etc.
And I've heard lot worse sounding mixes with much more expensive equipment. You do a hell of a job! :)

I'm no where near a jerk like you!
My stuff doesn't have "hooks" like the rest of you guys,
mines more like blunt pick axes that stab ya in the gut and drag you along! :whistle:
:agree: I think you need to get out and get yourself a gig or two Craig. Are you doing much giging?
Do you have a band or try to put one together? I'm sure your no bigger jerk than the rest of the musicians out there :laugh:

You are definitely getting this recording thing down. I listened on lo-fi, and was amazed at how good it sounds. If you keep writing and progressing as you are, it won’t be long you won’t have time for us standard run of the mill jerks.


us standard run of the mill jerks.

I'm not a mill run jerk... I be a specially ordered jerk! :laugh:


I'm not a mill run jerk... I be a specially ordered jerk! :laugh:

You have to special order things that there's not much demand for.

(Hmmmmmmm....this could be the making of a dandy country song!)