Adjust Latency For The Task At Hand

True or faulse?

When tracking (recording), you want as short a latency as possible. The shorter the latency, the closer your recordings are timewise to where they should be in your project.
But when doing editing, mixing, mastering --anything besides recording in real time-- you can turn your latency up as high as you want. This will greatly increase the number of tracks you can work with, while reducing audible “pops” and drop-outs at the same time.

True… sort of… :)

I don’t know about V6, but older V4 and V5 versions of n-Track had such lousy latency compensation, cranking the latency (buffers) up to yield glitch free playback resulted in molasses SLOW meters and a sluggish response to adjustments. For example, you would HEAR a snare hit and then some half a second later, the meter would jump. Or you would make a volume fader change and wouldn’t hear it until half a second later. Maybe V6 is better. Don’t know and ain’t of a mind to find out… but that was another reason I bailed on n-Track.

Adjust your buffers as needed but pay close attention to what happens if/when you do. :agree:


PS Yes I filed bug reports and pissed and moaned. Nothing happened back then. Maybe it’s cool now.

Latency is a big problem if you are monitoring your input after the DAW processes it. So I usually have two signal paths going for recording, and monitor my playing or singing outside the box. Even with headphones, I can keep the volume low in the cans if I need to hear what I’m playing on an acoustic guitar. And since I usually record electric instruments using a DI with a splitter - one line to the DIGI for recording, one line to an amp so I can hear it - I can set up as much buffering as I want, and still record in sync.

And that is just how I do it; I guess there are a dozen other ways to deal with latency.

It still beats the dickens out of tape! No hiss, no wow, no flutter, no scissors - and best of all, cymbals that sound like cymbals!

'til next time;
tony w


It still beats the dickens out of tape! No hiss, no wow, no flutter, no scissors - and best of all, cymbals that sound like cymbals!

Amen brother... :agree: