again probs with n-track :-( ...

I had some good recordings with n-track during the last week and burned all the folders with the data on it on CD …
After I copied this to my other PC, I tried to open the song files with n-track - and got some mysterious Mistakes (mysterious to me…):

First n-track couldn´t find some wave files although the path is correct, but that´s not the problem: when I now select in the dialog box the correct file, in the timeline appears no waveform - I can only see the beginning and the end of the wave file and the name of it ! There isn´t even the usual grey background of the waveform…when playing, I get a wave file error (“missing wave file”).

I don´t know what the problem could be, but it must be something with the file paths ?! The thing is that on the this PC I have the same folder structure than on the one I recorded with…

I hope you understood what my prob is…If you can´t imagine I could create a screen shot…

Thx for your help !

P.S.: By the side, wouldn´t it be a good thing to have an option that you needn´t change the recording folder paths but n-track automatically chooses the folder where the .sng - file is in ?! Cause normally the wave-files are in the folder where the .sng-file is !..

sry…my last sentence was crazy…I failed to notice that this option exists…and even below the working directory paths…:wink:


A couple of things you might check. First, are the .wav files the same file size and date/time on your original computer, on the CD, and on the 2nd computer you copied them to?

Secondly, when you write files to a CD their read attribute changes to read-only. You must manually change all files you copied back to read/write by unchecking the read only attribute (right click on the file name, click on properties, and find the checkbox for read only - uncheck it). Seems to me that the later versions of n-track will prompt you about this and offer to change the files automatically.

Also, what build of n are you using?


Good call, Don.


thx for your answer, dontuck !

yes, I have to check on the data & if it has been transfered correct…
but the read only attribute was unchecked…

The build I use on both PCs is 1775.


ok, now I checked on the data on the 2nd PC and the CD…they´re correct…there can´t be the mistake…

But nevertheless I can remember I had some similar problems on the 1st PC (the one I recorded with)…so I really think It can´t be the difference between the data e.g. …must be another problem…


I find the best way to move songs (and also archive them)
Is to pack the song in N-Track.
Then burn the packed song file (a single file) to cd.

then unpack the song whereever you want it.

That way you will make sure that all the wav files needed are included in the packed song (even if they are in different directories)

Also it means that the unpacked song file will be pointing to the right location for the wav files in the song.


Seems to me that the later versions of n-track will prompt you about this and offer to change the files automatically.

Yeah, I think you're right there. Older versions didn't.

P.S.: By the side, wouldn´t it be a good thing to have an option that you needn´t change the recording folder paths but n-track automatically chooses the folder where the .sng - file is in ?! Cause normally the wave-files are in the folder where the .sng-file is !...

My N-track certainly used to do this but somewhere along the line it stopped (I think it now defaults to My Documents or something). I have to remember to change the path each time I start recording. I've played with all the pathe settings many times but still it persists. It's not a really big deal, just a bit of a pain when I forget.


I still need help !!!

I packed the Songs and unpacked it on my computer and still there is the problem !
So it must be a problem of my n-track-options ?!
Here a screenshot :

That is what I get when opening the packed song !! And I can´t even play the song !

I don´t know what to do…please help me …

Are you an administrator on the machine? I wonder if you don’t have permissions set correctly through NTFS on the folder you are extracting to. You aren’t extracting to a temp folder are you? This is might strange…

Looks like n-track can’t generate the *.npk files???

Does it play OK? Did N-track give any error messages when loading? (Usually, N-track lets you know if it can’t find the Wav, so if you didn’t get an error, it probably found the wav, but couldn’t draw the waveform.)

As Bubba says… you do have permissions to the (default)drive/directory or wherever N-track is trying to write files to? You’re not trying to run this from a cd are you?

What happens if you hit record? Any files recorded? Do they show in the timeline?

Not aware of any setting in N-track that would cause this.



As Bubba says… you do have permissions to the (default)drive/directory or wherever N-track is trying to write files to? You’re not trying to run this from a cd are you?

Where can I check if I have the right permissions ?

Right click on the folder you are trying to play the files from and choose properties. The quick and dirty way to test this is to give the Everyone group full control of the folder.


Looks like n-track can’t generate the *.npk files???

Does it play OK? Did N-track give any error messages when loading? (Usually, N-track lets you know if it can’t find the Wav, so if you didn’t get an error, it probably found the wav, but couldn’t draw the waveform.)

YesI thought about this too but even if I let n-track recreate the waveforms they still aren´t displayed !

What happens if you hit record? Any files recorded? Do they show in the timeline?

No files are recorded and no recorded files are diplayed !

Are you an administrator on the machine? I wonder if you don’t have permissions set correctly through NTFS on the folder you are extracting to. You aren’t extracting to a temp folder are you? This is might strange…

Yes I have full rights and everything else is ok !

Hi stesa,
I had a similar problem, couldn’t open song files saved with an earlier version, the files were corrupted somehow by changing the drive number on an external drive. The only thing I could do was import the wav files into a new song. A pain, but at least the original files were not lost.
Good luck

you cant change the atributes of a CD its ‘read only’ and thats it -

if you try to, or click yes when N asks to do it for you expect a long hangup or crash - if you can wait long enough N will put ap a blank track (no waveform) N will still play the track although the track is empty -

copy the tracks to your HD first (make a folder solely for tracks from CDs) then reset tracks/song atributes using windows explorer - remove CD so there is no mistake on which tracks you are using -

dr j