Any tricks to this?

I accidently erased the .sng file of my latest song.
I still have all the indivual files. Lining them up is a $#@$# !

Anyone know of any tricks to this task?
Is the .sng file somewhere else I could look for?

Thank you!

Depends on what you mean by erased. Have you looked in Windows Recycle Bin? You might be able to restore it if it went there.

System restore will put it back. You can also check this out and it’s free.

With any undelete program, if possible install the software on another drive and restore the files to another drive, in doing it this way you won’t accidentally over write a file you could possible need to restore later.


Thank you!
Nope…it’s not in the Recycle Bin
I’ll try that System Restore idea.
Is it possible to send a System Restore to the external DVD Burner?

Quote: (pianoman @ Jul. 29 2009, 2:14 PM)

Thank you!'s not in the Recycle Bin
I'll try that System Restore idea.
Is it possible to send a System Restore to the external DVD Burner?

Not that I'm aware of.


Thank you, All
You’re great help!

Appreciate your time :)