Anyone interested in a free computer...

There is an old lady down the street from me who has this same computer. She was willing to give it to me since it was taking up room, had too many wires and wouldn’t turn on anyway.
I took out the floppy disk she had pushed in “so everything would be in its proper position” and rebooted it for her. I took the floppy that had some card games on it so she wouldn’t get confused and use it again…
Moral to the story…there are a ton of free computers out there, but the means to get them is not always the best way to go.


alright let me clarify,
the freepay website is associated with a multitude of different products. 3 versions of ipods, a couple computers, digital camera, designer purse, xbox 360, playstation portable, playstation 3 when it comes out… etc…

each one has a different number of required referrals. the ipod happens to be 5, the computer is 10. All the products have pretty much the same offers available, though some don’t have the real arcade. My brother in law signed up for the ipod, which I helped him get. I’ve signed up for 5 different items. the ipod, computer, digital camera, xbox 360, and a playstation PSP.

that’s the deal :)

I already work full time, have a wife and kid, and hobbies. Any money I do make is sent to my credit card debt I accrued while getting through college. So if I work part time any money I’d make would go to debt. But this is fair game to me, I could keep the item, or sell it and buy something else. Technically I could sell it and put IT towards debt too, but then I’d have no way to fund my music :)

So, let me get this straight Guitars69…

You need 10 of us to sign up for you to get a computer, yeah?

And if the 10 of us want computers too, we need 10 other people each, making 100 in total to sign up, (plus the 10 of us).

Of course, to convince that 100, we need to tell them that they need 10 people each…making…bollox, slide rule has died. :(

Anyway, it’s a lot of people.

And as that process continues, we soon need the entire population of several major solar systems all because you can’t be bothered to work some overtime and buy a f**king computer youself! ???


I think it was Jagger…
’ you don’t always get what you want,
but if you try real hard,
you just might find you get what ya need…‘

just bustin’ your chops, man. hey I would like a new PC too, but I don’t think its gonna happen… :)

can’t blame ya for tryin’

good luck


I already have TWO much nicer computers than this is willing to give me. I just like good deals. In the end, it’ll cost me like $10 to sign up for Rhapsody for one month, 1 phone call to cancel it, and a few posts on forums etc. If you don’t think that $300 or more is worth that little bit of effort, then cool, I however think that for such a little investment, it’s quite worth it.


Quote (guitars69 @ Jan. 13 2006,19:29)
In the end, it'll cost me like $10 to sign up for Rhapsody for one month, 1 phone call to cancel it, and a few posts on forums etc. If you don't think that $300 or more is worth that little bit of effort, then cool, I however think that for such a little investment, it's quite worth it.


Here's the thing Guitar69... you have already spent more time on this than the computer is worth. In fact, I have spent more time than the computer is worth just responding to your posts.

You very rarely get something worth more than the investment made. If that were really possible, everyone would be getting free computers and selling them at a profit. We could all live like Kings just sitting around all day signing up for things we cancel immediately.... hey now I got the idea. We all share the cost of an office with lots of internet connections and phone lines and sit all day drinking beer signing up for all sorts of offers, all the while canceling them immediately. Truck loads of computers and IPODs would come streaming in the door while we put this stuff immediately on Ebay for a profit. If we really get good at it, we should be able to pull in six figures each.

You may have something guitar69.... but I hope it isn't contagious... :;):



You see g69? That’s why I said “No such thing as a free lunch.” If you don’t consider a value figure for EVERY moment of your time, you can easily fool yourself into thinking you are getting a true bargain or freebie. In everything you do you MUST consider what it is costing YOU.

Time: Our most precious resource. It’s not renewable.


Free ??????

Now wasn’t that the name of the band that did “Alright Now” with Paul Rogers on vocals?

when the value of r = scrupples
thus free less r = fee :p


Now wasn’t that the name of the band that did “Alright Now” with Paul Rogers on vocals?

With Paul Kossoff on guitar. A buddy of mine hung around outside one of their gigs when he was younger. Got Koss’s autograph. Sold it last year and it raised nearly all the money for his Musicman 5 string bass.

I guess something is worth what someone is prepared to pay for it. If G69 is prepared to put in the effort then good luck… but like the others I’m always sceptical about these things.

Prove 'em wrong G69. Go get a free PC.


here’s the thing, I sit and respond to MANY useless and time-waisting forum posts daily. so in the end this is just another one that has brought lively conversation, so nothing lost in my opinion.

Dr. Guitar, :) I don’t know what you do for a living, but if the 2 minutes it took to write your response is worth more than $300, sign me up for classes in your profession.

And I hope I’m more contagious than pink eye at a kissing booth! lol

BTW I got to play with my Brother-In-Law’s Ipod yesterday, I didn’t really want one in particular before, but those things are pretty sweet! The LCD (it’s the video one) is pretty high resolution for it’s size and you can play games on it and stuff. Pretty slick little device. I was surprised at how skinny they actually were. They’re like half an inch thick at most.

Quote (guitars69 @ Jan. 15 2006,09:11)
Dr. Guitar, :) I don't know what you do for a living, but if the 2 minutes it took to write your response is worth more than $300, sign me up for classes in your profession.

From my account, it looks like you have spent over a month trying to get this computer...

As far as my time wasted... I was exaggerating. I pull in about $50 to $100 an hour for teaching and between $80 and $400 an hour for video/audio editing/mastering. My standard playing rate is about $125 / hour, but there have been occasions where that was much closer to $300/hour or more.

Heh. Doc gets it. Time == $$$$ :)


well I make 12.50/hr right now, and haven’t spent more than an hour on this thread total :)

Ok, you are the dope, drop it.

“cant believe I read the whole thing” Burp!!