Anyone watching Cspan today?

“Black State of the Union Address”…

Good for them!

It is encouraging to see them working together rather than fighting each other.

I love the monaural, This is a Call to Action!

a very interesting conference IMHO with many hopeful words for the younger black generation.

Keep shinin’

jerm :)

a “Black State of the Union”.

Hmmm… there are so many things to talk about there… like…

A Union with whom?
Is there a 'Black State"?
“Working together, rather than fighting each other”?
Who is working with whom? Blacks working with whites?
Blacks working with Blacks?

If Blacks want equal treatment and opportunity, why do they support preferencial treatment??

What happened to judging someone, not on the color of thier skin, but on the content of thier character?


Please do not forget we are an international community and most of us don’t care about what happens in the backasswards USoA.

Thank you.

Clark make funny!

Quote (clark_griswold @ Feb. 23 2007,16:06)

Please do not forget we are an international community and most of us don’t care about what happens in the backasswards USoA.

Thank you.

Regardless of whether or not “most of you” care or not, it does effect you indirectly.

We are all one big planet here, and the US being a super power on this planet effects others, just look at Iraq for evidence of that.

If you don’t care what the US is doing, as in Iraq for example than you do not care about your fellow man.

And black people uniting in this way is going to bring a change to the US, politically, and economically.
We could argue all day whether that change is going to be positive or negative, but the change will be and only time will tell.

It may not be important to foreigners right now, but when the effect knocks on their door they will suddenly find importance I suppose.

keep shinin’

jerm :)

dude, you actually made me kinda laugh Mt Dew out of my nose…

that STILL hurts.

[message deleted]

Quote (clark_griswold @ Feb. 23 2007,19:17)
dude, you actually made me kinda laugh Mt Dew out of my nose...

that STILL hurts.

You better be careful with that stuff,

I have read studies which data shows it causes erectile dis-function.
Of course that was people who consumed over 2 liters a day.
OR was it mice?

Been I while since I looked at that report.

I do wonder if Germans laughed as hardily at the political affairs of the US in the early part of the 19th Century.

keep shinin'

jerm :)

Not only “them” Fish, but “foreigners” too!

It seems that Jerm’s “us” is a very small and exclusive group.

I wonder if they’re all as patronising as him? ???

Quote (Guest @ Feb. 23 2007,19:52)
Not only “them” Fish, but “foreigners” too!

It seems that Jerm’s “us” is a very small and exclusive group.

I wonder if they’re all as patronising as him? ???

When I say “them” it is pronoun used to talk about the subject matter being “Black Union Members” it sure is easier than typing out their whole definition.

When I say foreigners I am referring to those outside of the US who have made there voices known here.
They are in fact foreign to the native soil of the people being discussed in the topic.

If you all want to judge me by my use of nouns and pronouns than you too will be judged by the bushel on that fine day my friends.

Obviously no one was interested in talking about this event and the effects it will have on a nation or subsequent effects that nation will have on the rest of the world…

FYI I didn’t us the pronoun “us” to disclude anyone as alluded to by the esteemed “Shug”.
US is a common abbreviation for United States.

keep shinin’

jerm :)

Jerm, I believe that your intentions were good,


you can’t believe how condescending and patronising your posts appeared to be, especially the first one. :)

It’s a sad but true fact, that people don’t know what our intentions are, but only how they manifest.

I didn’t find your post offensive. Just to clarify.

I didn’t see the black state of the union thing. I don’t think I have cspan.

Quote (Guest @ Feb. 23 2007,20:19)
Jerm, I believe that your intentions were good,


you can’t believe how condescending and patronising your posts appeared to be, especially the first one. :)

The only thing condescending about my first post is placed there by the implied prejudice of the reader.

If I wanted to be patronizing I would have included a smiles or something next to the statements which would imply sarcasm.

I had posted this same generic post in two other forums in the hope that of there were Black Americans or even black people abroad who were unaware of this event they would step into the knowledge and benefit from it.

Out of three forums this was the only one that received this type of response, so what does that tell you about yourselves?

A few black people have thanked me for bringing it to their attention and made no mention of how “condescending and patronising” my post appeared.

keep shinin’

jerm :)

The post is about Black People…Black State of the Union Address.

It is encouraging to see them working together rather than fighting each other.

The way it reads is this, "It is encouraging to see black people working together rather than fighting each other."

Think about that statement for a few minutes. Who is “them”?

“It’s encouraging to see people working together instead of fighting each other”.

Now, there’s a statement I agree with wholeheartedly, but,


It is encouraging to see them working together rather than fighting each other.

“Them” is African Americans yeah?

So, a couple of questions:

(1) You seem to imply that “Black people” are in the habit of fighting each other, (as opposed to “white” people presumably, who all live lives of civilized tranquility? ???)

(2) It’s encouraging to whom? One assumes you mean “us” whites (in other words, not “them”) ? Fair enough, after all, if they can’t behave in a civilized manner, perhaps we ought to ship them back to the jungle yeah?

Sorry Jerm, I still find your posts patronizing and condescending, and attempting to blame the reader for what you wrote just doesn’t cut it somehow.

But, they didn’t offend me, saddened me yes, but life goes on. :)

man, I opened a can of worms. It was a joke, totally unserious. I guess I shouldn’t have pointed it out. Bet no one would have noticed if I hadn’t said something. :(

Quote (phoo @ Feb. 23 2007,22:22)
The post is about Black People…Black State of the Union Address.
It is encouraging to see them working together rather than fighting each other.

The way it reads is this, "It is encouraging to see black people working together rather than fighting each other."

Think about that statement for a few minutes. Who is “them”?

Actually that statement is an add lib of a black person who was a highly esteemed member of the panel.
If any of you would have bothered to watch the program before you entered a converstaion about it you would have known that though…

I used “them”, instead of the word she used “us” since I am not black, well according to my wife from the waist down I am, but that is bedsides the point.

So maybe we should be asking her to think about her own statement about her own people.

keep shinin’

jerm :)
Quote (Guest @ Feb. 23 2007,23:05)
"It's encouraging to see people working together instead of fighting each other".

Now, there's a statement I agree with wholeheartedly, but,

It is encouraging to see them working together rather than fighting each other.

"Them" is African Americans yeah?

So, a couple of questions:

(1) You seem to imply that "Black people" are in the habit of fighting each other, (as opposed to "white" people presumably, who all live lives of civilized tranquility? ???)

(2) It's encouraging to whom? One assumes you mean "us" whites (in other words, not "them") ? Fair enough, after all, if they can't behave in a civilized manner, perhaps we ought to ship them back to the jungle yeah?

Sorry Jerm, I still find your posts patronizing and condescending, and attempting to blame the reader for what you wrote just doesn't cut it somehow.

But, they didn't offend me, saddened me yes, but life goes on. :)
You know what saddened me, people like you.

Get of your high horse and come down here with the rest of the people.

You can put your finger back in it's pocket too.

keep shinin'

jerm :)

Quote (theinfamousfish @ Feb. 23 2007,23:16)
man, I opened a can of worms. It was a joke, totally unserious. I guess I shouldn’t have pointed it out. Bet no one would have noticed if I hadn’t said something. :(

No offense taken here bro,
your not playing the part of the bleeding heart upholder of politically correct speech as Shug is,a true asset to mankind no doubt.
I’m sure he would have noticed regardless of your post since apparently it is his mission in life to find fault were there is none, and if he can’t find it create it.

keep shinin’

jerm :)