Audio test

try it :slight_smile:

I’m not going to tell you guys my score. :D

tone deaf

Quote (TomS @ Nov. 16 2006,17:59)
I'm not going to tell you guys my score. :D

tone deaf



I got a 88.9% :)


I was feeling a little too good about myself today…


Quote (cmw @ Nov. 17 2006,14:13)

I was feeling a little too good about myself today....


I know the feeling... kind of a humbling experience eh? :)


72.2% - Normal Performance.

Nice to know I’m normal, I’ve had some doubts recently.

You must have cheated Guitar69. Did you use both ears or some similar lowdown trick? :D

It’s more a test of short term memory than pitch perception tho’ isn’t it?

At least, I think that’s what it said. ???

I’m Embarrassed…91.7

In my defense…the phone rang in the middle of the test so I missed 3. :(

It’s rather funny I did well since I can’t remember crap anymore!


I also don’t think the test relates to musical ability as much as just pattern recognition.


Quote (KingFish @ Nov. 17 2006,16:27)
I also don't think the test relates to musical ability as much as just pattern recognition.


I tend to agree. As fate would have it, yesterday I had to take some pre-employment tests. One of them was pattern recognition where you had to identify the next number or letter in a sequence. Some of them were ball busters but I managed to ace that portion of the test. I did not do so well on this "tone test". Maybe it means I am more of a visual person rather than auditory? I don't know... I do find this interesting though... I usually do pretty well recognizing musical intervals and such but this auditory pattern thing messed me up.


didn’t do too bad…83.3…but monitors are crappy…i think i could have second guessed a couple…

Not just pattern recognition, is it, but the pattern of pitch recognition? The brain must do a lot of processing of sounds in a way that differs from sight. I’m like you, Dio, I kill on visual and written pattern things, but I was sadly average on this one. My excuse is that I did it at work. :)

KingFish, I bet that score is significant. I know this - my wife is highly trained and killed on the test (she analyzed each phrase as she heard it, solfeged the melody and analyzed the chord progression etc.) and I am not so highly trained and am merely adequate. You have lots of musical training KF? Formal or otherwise?

63.9 percent. Got some of the hard ones right though.

Doesn’t surprise me, I don’t have a flash ear. I think it’s possibly more pattern recognition myself.

Quote (TomS @ Nov. 17 2006,07:12)
Not just pattern recognition, is it, but the pattern of pitch recognition? The brain must do a lot of processing of sounds in a way that differs from sight. I'm like you, Dio, I kill on visual and written pattern things, but I was sadly average on this one. My excuse is that I did it at work. :)

KingFish, I bet that score is significant. I know this - my wife is highly trained and killed on the test (she analyzed each phrase as she heard it, solfeged the melody and analyzed the chord progression etc.) and I am not so highly trained and am merely adequate. You have lots of musical training KF? Formal or otherwise?

I had "lessons" on the clarinet as a kid but mostly am self taught on guitar. I know enought theory to be dangerous! :)
I can read music but not fluidly enough to play along.

When I took your test I just hummed along and really didn't focus on it hard. I thought the gap between samples was too long. Most of the changes stood out as clearly different to me but I don't think my musical skills had much to do with it.

I ride horses well and that doesn't help me on the guitar either!

I've been a troubleshooter all my life. Maybe I've trained my brain to look for the disorder in the order over all these years.

Don't really know!


As the gig has been cancelled tonight, and I don’t know what to do with myself and as we’re on the subject of quizes, here’s another one. An engineering quiz.

Assume that a given reference level of 0dB is 1Watt. (My eyes are too tired for mW)

How many Watts is +14dB?

How many Watts is +15dB?


(1)You are not allowed to look up the answers.
(2) You are not allowed to use a calculator, computer, slide rule, log tables or even pen and paper.
(3) The only thing you can use is your unassisted brain, and the facts that +3dB is twice the power (close enough) and +10dB is ten times the power (exactly).

We’re talking a live gig situation here, and you need the right answers quick!


Did the gig get cancelled because you had the wrong number? :)

I don’t have a clue though!


Nah, things like that don’t happen anymore, I’m now self employed! :D

One member of the band didn’t show, and another one punched a third, (gone to the emergency room with a broken finger).

Don’t you love show business! :laugh:

Anyway KF, it’s a very simple and very useful trick for converting between power (or voltage) ratios and dBs. I’m sure someone else knows it, so I’ll wait for them to demonstrate it. :)

No one ready to show their expertise yet? :D

I suppose many of you know how to do it, but for those who don’t, I’ll start writing up a piece on how to quickly covert from dBs to power and voltage ratios in your head.

It really is quite a useful trick to know.


IMHO, musical recognition definitely helps. I’m not trained, but I play by ear and work on this kind of stuff a lot. My problems were more that of memory than recognition – at least, I think.

However, I bet many of the data points were musicians. With a random sample of people taking the test, I bet the average would be considerably lower. My suspicion is, “average” on this test is well above average for the population. Most folks with no musical interest probably wouldn’t bother to take the test.

+15 dB = 32 W
+14 dB = 25 W

BTW, the really interesting thing, which more of us should know, is that 10dB is not only 10 times the power, but it’s also only twice as loud.


BTW, the really interesting thing, which more of us should know, is that 10dB is not only 10 times the power, but it’s also only twice as loud.

Very true Learjeff, but Harvey Fletcher and Wally Munsen must be writhing with embarrassment in their graves at this moment. Just think, they wasted all that time and effort when the whole thing could have been more simply expressed. :p

0/10 Learjeff. As my college prof used to say, “if you don’t show the figuring, you don’t earn the points!” :D