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So, hey guys. I’ve been very away from any audio stuff, and thought I’d pop in to ask after the progrees of n…

I remember lots of issues, and see that some of you are still here. That’s a good sign! My question is ‘how well is this app standing up?’ Is that ‘Stability’ conversatin still at a steady rumble?

And how’s everyones’ musical life anyway? I’ve been playing my bass at a lot og reggae gigs, and starting a ‘punk’ band…

Welcome back Sloom, it seems as though everyone is much more pleased with ver 5 than 4 for stability, etc. I’ve upgraded, but unfortunately too busy this summer with live gigs to find time for tracking. Sept is just around the corner. So hopefully we’ll get back to the recording scene.


Hi Sloom:
O.K. Get busy… Spend some of that loose change you got laying around… How will you know if it’ll work on your set-up till you brake loose with the cash?? :O :p ???? Yea, drink more than that in cool beer, anyway…


Hi Sloom - welcome back.

I took the plunge lately and bought v.5, and although I have had some difficulties with it (see my rantings in posts elsewhere in this forum) I do have one all-encompassing experience with it: n-Track v. 5 is rock solid on my machine! (read: YMMV). It simply works. Period. Never a crash yet knocks wood - it even runs heavy-duty VSTi’s like the dreaded - but sweet-sounding - Arturia Moog Modular V. Believe me, that softsynth gobbles up a serious chunk of ressources, but that sound… ahhh :D

Other than that, I am putting the final touches on our new studio, dabbling in some arrangements for our new songs, and preparing a website. I am still trying to find the time to get to learn to play the clarinet, but I need my day job in order to continue to make music, so, there you have it…

regards, Nils

I’ve been gigging a lot too, and have even put my Tascam M-30 mixer up for sale. My kid needs a drum kit, and I can always go find another mixer. Since I’m not currently using one!

Clarinet, eh? Cool- I just got handed an upright bass a few weeks ago. It needed some fixing up, and it’s back now, $350 later. Unfortunately I’ve hardly touched it, since we’ve had to re-build the upstairs part of our house- Roof Monkeys let some serious rain in last summer. Almost done now, though.

So V5 is more-stable-knock-on-wood… Well after Sept, after the kiddies are in school and I catch up with $$ (the house re-build…), mebbe I’ll lay it down. I’ll have a band to record, and demos to do. As long as I have enough beer money. :cool:

Good to see you guys’re still hanging’ around. Hopefully this fall I’m going to get into that Hurdy-Gurdy recording project I was trying to do last year. Tom S. was after it- I’m afraid I’ve discouraged him! We’ll see…

Nice you came back, Sloom. I’m still going at this hobby and the music is still going on. And, I like to think my production skills get a little better with each project.

You gigging guys are really lucky to be able to do that. Its great fun as I found out again this summer.

I am still on version 3.3x but have been reading a lot of positive stuff about v 5.x. I think I may be upgrading in the near future. Probably only for the drum kit module. I have Reason but can’t get it to do what I want to do…so I may use the drums in N v 5.x. I think they output to a MIDI file.

Anyway, nice to see you back.


Thanks G8tor… so what was your gig this summer?

Nothing big really…

I played in a local band waaaay back in the day (65-70). Then we all got drafted or moved away. For the past 3 years we all mutually agree on a playlist and practice the songs from CD’s. Then around the 4th of July we all go back home, rent an abandoned old library on main street, round up a ton of equipment and spend the whole week playing the songs we practiced (usually around 50 or so), drinking a bunch o’beer and reminiscing. Since we all grew up together and married girls who also grew up there, it turns into a multi-family family reunion. My son is an outstanding guitar player and loves to join in. The lead singers two daughters sing professionally around their areas and they provide great backups, and solos for songs in the Bonnie Raitt & Eva Cassidy mode. We spend everyday of the week from about 1030 a.m. to 2 a.m. jammin for everyone and having a great time…

Hard to have more fun than that.


(g8torcliff @ Aug. 23 2007,10:19)
Nothing big really…

…we all… rent an abandoned old library on main street, round up a ton of equipment and spend the whole week playing the songs we practiced (usually around 50 or so), drinking a bunch o’beer and reminiscing…

…We spend everyday of the week from about 1030 a.m. to 2 a.m. jammin for everyone and having a great time…

Hard to have more fun than that.


Yeah, I guess so! :D Nice.

Weird. Replied to this earlier but it must have got lost in the board upgrade. Ho hum. Can’t remember what I said.

Quote: (XonXoff @ Aug. 24 2007, 1:04 PM)

Replied to this earlier but it must have got lost in the board upgrade.
Ho hum.
Can't remember what I said.

I did notice the board keeps changing it's look. It was bright lime-green yesterday (or the day before).

So what the heck you been up to? Any interesting projects?

I guess this is becoming an "Other" thread...
Quote: (Sloom @ Aug. 25 2007, 3:03 PM)

Quote: (XonXoff @ Aug. 24 2007, 1:04 PM)

Weird. Replied to this earlier but it must have got lost in the board upgrade. Ho hum. Can't remember what I said.

So what the heck you been up to? Any interesting projects?

Couple of new songs on the go but mainly been setting up another "studio" in the house for my kids.... which basically means spending a load of time on Ebay. Bought a nice drum kit today for my son. Must have a go at recording it sometime.
Quote: (g8torcliff @ Aug. 23 2007, 10:19 AM)

Then around the 4th of July we all go back home, rent an abandoned old library on main street, round up a ton of equipment and spend the whole week playing the songs we practiced (usually around 50 or so), drinking a bunch o'beer and reminiscing.

you'll never see a hearse pullin a U-Haul, but that jammin with the buds and family you get to take with ya!!! :peace: :peace: :whistle:
Quote: (XonXoff @ Aug. 25 2007, 4:35 PM)

[quote=XonXoff,Aug. 24 2007, 1:04 PM]
Couple of new songs on the go but mainly been setting up another "studio" in the house for my kids.... which basically means spending a load of time on Ebay.
Bought a nice drum kit today for my son.
Must have a go at recording it sometime.

You can get unexpected pleasant surprises doing that kind of thing! If there's something good to not aim for, it's often "what you should do"...

I'm getting my younger kid a mini Ludwig set, but it's now getting postponed for X-mas, as she's way into wanting violin lessons. It'll be interesting to see which seems "louder"! :)

And that's fun idea, a hearse pulling a U-Haul.. Maybe for my funeral I'll do that, and my friends can unload it and jam afterwards. We did that when my good friend and drummer of 9 years left us... not the U-Haul- just the jam!