Board/Topic Links

E-Mail Links Inactive…

Hi Gents:

On the earlier and last Boards , I would subscribe to topics of interest by having those topics forwarded to my E-Mail address…
When I opened my E-Mail the links to the topics would be in the mail and all I would do is, open the Board from those links…
Having said that, these links were active (underlined). and no other action would be necessary to browse the n-Track forum…

This new Board has all these features, but the links are not active when I open my mail from my E-Mail “Inbox”.

Am I describing this issue correctly?
Does anyone else see this when you open your E-Mail to the subscribed topics?

I wonder if there might be a feature in the Board’s config. Panel that might need some attention to correct this?
Could this be something I need to do on this end?


Dunno Bill, I don’t tend to track the topics by email but I’m tracking this one so if someone responds I’ll get an email so I can have a looky-see.

If I have followed you correctly I suspect that the emails may be being sent as plain text rather than HTML.


Hi XonXoff:

Thank you for your reply to this…

You may very well be correct…

That being the case… Could this issue be on this end?
If it is…
How can I config this to react correctly?

I know on the previous Boards and other boards this was not an issue…
Lately, I’ve only been around this Board…
So, other boards are on the back burner, at least for now…

You know, it’s just a small detail …
you know… if you don’t pay respect to the little details they all add up to one big “Cow-Pie”…
somewhere down the road…



Maybe, Panda is the culprit on this issue…
as well…
Who knows?
I know, I got it setup to look at the mail that’s arriving here…

Yeah, I got a reply and like you, the links are not hyperlinks. Looks like a plain text email so Flavio probably has to tweak a setting on the board to send HTML formatted emails. Perhaps drop him a line via the Support page?

Hi XonXoff:
Thanks for the reply on this issue… It appears that it something that is on more than just my setup…
