Both channels have signal, sound only in one...

More weird glitches…

I don’t know what the deal is… I have signal on both VU meters, and the panners are all lined up the middle. But I only hear sound coming from one monitor. This happened before, and I messed around with some settings, defining my track as mono, and it fixed it. But now, the same exact file is back to playing only on the left side again. It is not a speaker connection as all other music plays on both channels.

Any thoughts?

By the way… since I posted, I’ve got it working again, but still have no idea why this is happening. The strangest thing is that both playback channels have signal on the VU meter when this is occurring, but I can only hear sound on the left.



By the way… since I posted, I’ve got it working again, but still have no idea why this is happening. The strangest thing is that both playback channels have signal on the VU meter when this is occurring, but I can only hear sound on the left.

Sounds like a dodgy connection between the soundcard/amp/speakers rather than a software setting.
Quote (Mark A @ Feb. 13 2006,01:25)
By the way... since I posted, I've got it working again, but still have no idea why this is happening. The strangest thing is that both playback channels have signal on the VU meter when this is occurring, but I can only hear sound on the left.

Sounds like a dodgy connection between the soundcard/amp/speakers rather than a software setting.
nah. that's not possible because if i just do playback of prerecorded stuff, both speakers are always fine. i found a workaround that seems to be avoiding this problem, but that is dodgy too. the delta inputs are activated in pairs. 1/2, 3/4, etc. i am only using input 3. when i tried to set things up as "mono" is when i had all the problems. if i call it stereo into two mono tracks, and then just delete the blank track that comes from input 4, everything seems to work just fine. so that's what i'm gonna do!


Check the playback Balance in the Windows system mixer (sndvol32.exe from the run line). I have found on some machines that the balance (pan) will be set to one side sometimes, always to the left. I have yet to figure out what’s doing it. It’s not n-Tracks. CDs played through Windows Media Player will be panned as well. It’ rather strange when it happens. I’m 100% positive it’s an application that gets run on these machines that’s doing it, but finding that app is a pain. As I said, it’s NOT n-Tracks when I’ve seen it.

Actually thinking some more about this, I think I know what this might be…

I had a problem a while back (not sure of the version/build) which did something similar…

If I set the Recording Properties (hammer icon) to record a mono (INPUT) track AND the box “Apply settings to all channels” was ticked, my OUTPUT settings went to mono too, and I think went to just one channel.

The fix? Untick the “Apply settings to all channels” box.

Check it out…



The strangest thing is that both playback channels have signal on the VU meter when this is occurring, but I can only hear sound on the left.

Did they both move in unison or was it two different signals as one would expect?
Quote (Mark A @ Feb. 14 2006,03:01)
The strangest thing is that both playback channels have signal on the VU meter when this is occurring, but I can only hear sound on the left.

Did they both move in unison or was it two different signals as one would expect?
they moved in unison, which is what i would expect since i have one input that i was calling "mono". i'll try unchecking the "apply to all channels" button the next time i am in the software.