Burning CDs for somewhat professional needs

Software questions

Before I got into making music I used Windows Media Player to copy CDs and once I got into making music I still used it to burn my CDs. It took a long time to notice this but the CDs it burns are quieter than store bought CDs. Is there a way to disable this? If not, what software (freeware) should I use to rip and burn my CDs?
Also there is a delay before each burned track which is annoying when making songs that span multiple tracks.
So what should I be using, or is there options in WMP to fix this?
Thanks a million.


Also there is a delay before each burned track which is annoying when making songs that span multiple tracks.

Use Nero.

Using Nero to make songs/tracks over a single wav file

Nero is fine, Sony (Found Forge) CD Architech is a program specifically designed to produce audio CDs, both will allow you to make adjustments that help make a collection of song a album, BUT
the difference is in the way commercial recordings are processed/mastered. The dynamic range of the material has been compressed so the the over-all sound can be brought up to 0 Db.
If you just stick a compressor/limitor at the end of the effects chain when you mix down the song, you can raise the precieved sound a great deal. Weither the quality of your recording will be distroyed, that is subjective.
To increase the precieved sound level and not distroy the quality and dynamics of the song is a part of the mastering process.
Mastering a recording involves a lot of steps. Audiominds.com has a good tutorial and Ozone software’s site (I think it is called Izotope.com has a very good one.

Quote (bax3 @ Oct. 22 2005,10:21)
Nero is fine, Sony (Found Forge) CD Architech is a program specifically designed to produce audio CDs, both will allow you to make adjustments that help make a collection of song a album, BUT
the difference is in the way commercial recordings are processed/mastered. The dynamic range of the material has been compressed so the the over-all sound can be brought up to 0 Db.
If you just stick a compressor/limitor at the end of the effects chain when you mix down the song, you can raise the precieved sound a great deal. Weither the quality of your recording will be distroyed, that is subjective.
To increase the precieved sound level and not distroy the quality and dynamics of the song is a part of the mastering process.
Mastering a recording involves a lot of steps. Audiominds.com has a good tutorial and Ozone software's site (I think it is called Izotope.com has a very good one.

I do use mix down compression at the end of my songs but WMP still quiets the audio on the final CD no matter how loud the tracks. Even when I rip normal store bought CDs by other bands it quiets the audio on the copy which really sucks.
If there was just some way to disable that it would save me a lot of headaches. Windows Media Player calls this "volume leveling" but I can't figure out how to disable it even after reading the built in help.

OTOH if I found a freeware program that did what WMP can for copying CDs and burning my own music that would be great. So thanks for the suggestions guys.
So is Nero free?
I guess I'll have to look around, just figured I should ask the pro's first :)

This is from the Windows Media Player 10 docs.

To turn on volume leveling
The volume leveling feature functions by reading a volume leveling value in a Windows Media or MP3 file and then adjusting playback volume accordingly. The feature only supports files that are in Windows Media or MP3 format and that contain a volume leveling value.

1. On the View menu, point to Enhancements, and then click Crossfading and Auto Volume Leveling.

2. In the Enhancements pane, click the Turn on Auto Volume Leveling on link, if visible.

To hide the Crossfading and Auto Volume Leveling settings, click the Close button in the Enhancements pane.

Nero isn’t free but you should find an oem version of Nero 6 for very lttle money.It comes bundled with alot of Cd recording drives.

Here is a link to a free download of Nero 6. It may be a time-limited demo but you should be able to decide if it will suit your needs. Nero 6 (OEM) came with my system and I really like it. Does what it says it will!

