Bye, Byte Scooter

Quote (gtr4him @ Oct. 29 2005,13:51)
Yeesh Doc... what a tirade! Probably an accurate one though... :(


You are correct TG. Sorry for the rant... feeling a bit cynical these days.
Quote (DrGuitar @ Oct. 29 2005,19:22)
Quote (gtr4him @ Oct. 29 2005,13:51)
Yeesh Doc... what a tirade! Probably an accurate one though... :(


You are correct TG. Sorry for the rant... feeling a bit cynical these days.

Quite all right Doc. You know what a cynic I can be... actually, I find it tough NOT to be cynical, maybe even a little paranoid at times. Things are pretty tough these days...

Quote (Mr Soul @ Oct. 29 2005,16:45)
Rove & Libby are pure evil. Bush is too IMO. Republicans have been crooked for years because they've always had power whether in office or not. They're just really good at persuading the common, middle-class person that they are on their side.

Plus, the moral majority has taken over the party -witness what they did to Meirs. Meirs should have had a hearing & she should have had an up or down vote. That's been the right's mantra all along. It's going to come back to haunt them because now the Dem's have to fight if Bush appoints an ultra-conservative to the bench. It's going nuclear I predict. However, if Bush is smart he won't do that (but I have no faith in his judgement at this point).

Acouple points please...

"Pure evil" seems a tad extreme don't you think? How about mis-guided to extremes? These guys are just pushing the line as would any other high-level person in their shoes. Repub, Dem, Green Party, whatever. They have mostly all forgotten their goal which is to excercise the will of the people BUT not by any measures possible. These guys got overzealous. Not evil, just STUPID.

You are saying a moral majority is a bad thing? Would you rather that an immoral majority existed in the US? What exactly do you mean?

TG -- confused ??? moral minority IMO...

I got the impression that the moral majority in this case was a fundamentalist thing.

While reading these intense discussions the need to express my pleasure at our changing national events can be summed up in song.

This is Quicktime…but I believe there is a wmp link there.



TG, they are not just misguided, IMHO. They have not just pushed the line - they have intentionally and knowingly disregaraded their proper function, abandoned representative democratic principles, in a way that no green party member ever would, and in a way that few repubs or dems would have prior to the rise of evangelical Christian power and the new global corporate power. These are very bad people. Think about what Clinton has always said about GHW Bush - that he (clinton) respects the first president Bush, that he knows taht GHW has the good of the nation at heart, and that they disagree on how to achieve that. The same cannot be said about W, and certainly not about Cheney and his droogs. They announced what they wanted to do 10 years ago and more, and only a few of us were actually listening. As of last year most folks had never even heard of PNAC. How lame is that? ???


“Pure evil” seems a tad extreme don’t you think?

OK - half evil :p

Tom - I meant “moral majority” in general terms, not specific to that actual group.

Let’s make sure that everyone understands that there’s nothing wrong with Evangelicals or moral people, and it’s OK to be both.
Quote (Mr Soul @ Oct. 30 2005,11:29)
Let's make sure that everyone understands that there's nothing wrong with Evangelicals or moral people, and it's OK to be both.

Agreed. Lets just NOT be Fanatical NUT-BALL Evangelicals OK? I've said before, some of these extremist loonies DO WAY more harm to the term "Christian" than good. After all Christian means to be Christ-like. From all accounts I've read, he was NOT a nut-ball loonie. :)



From all accounts I’ve read, he was NOT a nut-ball loonie.
Are you kidding? God’s kingdom is like a mustard seed - proverbial as a noxious weed that needs to be erradicated! God’s kingdom is like leavened bread - impure, like a dead animal bloating in the middle of a hot highway! Turn the other cheek - an insulting gesture! Go the extra mile - and get the soldiers in trouble for violating the law! Give the shirt off yor back - and wander around naked, violating purity codes! Leave the dead to bury the dead! Don’t worry about tomorrow! Hang around with prostitutes and lepers! Everyone is equal before God! The guy was a nutcase! :)

Anyway, the main thing to me these days is how they view government - as a tool to achieve their ends, sometimes religious, sometimes $, but never do they view freedom as the good, never do they see their role as service. Rather, they have higher aims. You know who has held that philoosphy in the past, and who does in the present.


The guy was a nutcase!

Sorry but who are we talking about?

Oh, I think TG and I are off on some irrelevant tangent again, don’t mind us. :)


never do they see their role as service.

Fortunately, not ALL “religious” people are like that Tom… UNFORTUNATELY… the nutball zealots grab all the press. The media gives little praise for outfits like Samaritans Purse and the like but let some “religious” loonie mess up and get caught doing something he/she should not be doing, and it’s all over the media for weeks or months. The “train wreck gawker” ratings are what they are after.

It’s a sordid world out there… :(


sniff I miss Scooter… :p

On, no, TG, the vast majority are in fact decent, caring, honest people. That’s one of the things that really gets my goat about all of this. Sort of like judging Christianity based on a sample that includes only Falwell, Buchannan, and, well, you get the idea. :)

Yep. I know EXACTLY what you mean Tom. :)