Click track cutting out and unwanted delay!

The click track while recording is cutting in and out and sometimes what I’m recording get a second or so delay. Help!!!


Kinda vague there bud,

Give us some stats, IE
O.S., Version of Ntrack, Soundcard, processor speed.
It could be any numer of things causing it from old soundcard drivers(make sure you gotz the latest available) to bad configuration, just a shot in the dark otherwise.
Are you using midi mapper for th click track? or the soundcards midi synth?

If it’s an older slower computer I would suggest creating a click track wav. file long enough to go the lenth of the recording.
Then just play the track as any other while recording.
Anything can be causing the delay as well.
In File>Preferences>Options> theres Use system timer for (playback time, record time) program priority (I set it highest, but to each his own)

Been years since I had to do it that way, so me forgets how, but hang in there, somone will give you the grace,

keep shinin’

jerm :cool:

I set it to highest priority and that worked.

Sorry for being vague, I’m not very good with computers, I’m just a musician :D !

Don’t worry…most computers aren’t good with musicians either. :)

Quote (jeremysdemo @ Sep. 28 2006,13:23)
just a shot in the dark otherwise.
In File>Preferences>Options> program priority (I set it highest, but to each his own)

Quote (Randy Curran Posted on Sep. 28 2006 @ 16:53)
I set it to highest priority and that worked

Every now and then ya hit something must have been using my good eye! :O

Quote (Randy Curran Posted on Sep. 28 2006 @ 16:53)

Sorry for being vague, I’m not very good with computers, I’m just a musician! :D

Welcome to the club! :laugh:

keep shinin’

jerm :cool: