copy and paste

sound interruption

I would like to know how you work with copy and paste of a selection, I try to explain what I do:
normally I played all the guitar’s track of a song (with grid ON), then I play on another track just the part that I don’t like, I copy and paste this part on the first track of the guitar (or sometimes I mute the first part that I don’t like and I use the new part on the other track) but most of the time since there is no pause between the old and the new part, there is a trouble between the two part ( a “click” sound, a noise) so the song it’s not natural. I can not use snap to 0 function because there is no pause between the parts.
I low a litte bit the volume of the end of the first part… so I don’t hear anymore the noise but the sound it’s no more flowing.
I hope you understand.
as always, sorry for the bad english
thank you all

First, “snap to zero” does not mean “snap to silence”. If you zoom way in on the waveform, you’ll see it continuously goes above and below the center-line (though the center-line isn’t displayed). “snap to zero” causes selections to jump to these zero-crossing points, to help with the problem you’re mentioning.

I generally don’t rely on that, though. Here’s what I do.

Dragging on the track name, I drag the punch-in track so it’s just below the original track, for convenience.

I use ^X to cut away the waveform in the original track, where I’m going to paste the punch-in. I don’t worry about getting it perfect because I’ll adjust it later.

I select the punch-in part and use “Edit -> Splice” to make splice points at each end of the selection. Again, I don’t fuss over getting the selection perfect because I’ll adust later. I make sure the selected part is smaller and when dragged up fits inside the blank space I created in the old track.

I shift-drag the new part up into the old track. (Shift-dragging keeps it from sliding left or right, to avoid timing changes.) You seem to already know most or all of the above.

At each gap, I zoom way in and, with the grid off, drag the “end handles” around until I find a spot where the two parts can meet so that the slope and value are the same, or nearly the same – so it looks like a smooth transition.

It’s a little tedious, but after a few times you get pretty quick at it, and learn what looks good so it will sound good too. Zoom all the way in when making the final adjustments.

Sometimes (especially with stereo tracks) it’s just not possible to find a good splice point. In these cases, we render the track to one wave file and use a wave editor to smooth the splice.

It’s a good question that comes up from time to time. Hopefully others will pipe up with what they do, because there’s more than one way to skin a cat, as they say. Though why anyone would want to skin a cat I sure don’t know! (ick)


PS: you can use the same technique with copy/paste, too, (using the grid of course) and sometimes it’s less hassle. Also, note that Cut (Ctrl+X) doesn’t affect the original wave file.

I pretty much do what Jeff does, but sometimes it’s necessary/easier to zoom right in and use a volume evolution over the join (take the volume to zero for a very small time period). That generally gets rid of the click but you still need to get the splice to sound right.

Good tip, Mark.

As always, thank you so much for yours suggestions. I’ll test all what you have sayed to me as soon as possible… now it’s Christmas time :)
I wish you a merry Christmas!!!