CRASH when 80 tracks

When I have 79 tracks, it’s ok…

Hi everybody :)
I have the 5.0.4 version and it crashes when I record 80 tracks…
- My computer is a Athlon64 x2 and 2Go RAM.
- Multithread is activated in ntrack.
- My buffering is "normal"

I don’t want to mixdown what I’ve done because I need to clone again some tracks that I’ve not mastered yet.
Do you have a solution?
Thank you! :)

have had same problem (Win 2K) sent moan to flavio but never had a reply

Dr J

(elgitano @ May 18 2007,14:02)
Hi everybody :)
I have the 5.0.4 version and it crashes when I record 80 tracks...
- My computer is a Athlon64 x2 and 2Go RAM.
- Multithread is activated in ntrack.
- My buffering is "normal"

I don't want to mixdown what I've done because I need to clone again some tracks that I've not mastered yet.
Do you have a solution?
Thank you! :)

I was able to reproduce the problem and it will be fixed in the next version.


Thank you so much!!

Interesting that Flavio will fix this. It’s always been that way: N tracks, as long as N < 80


(learjeff @ May 22 2007,20:24)
Interesting that Flavio will fix this. It's always been that way: N tracks, as long as N < 80


I have always considered it as a friendly advice from the program: "Pardon me, sir, is the eightieth tracks really necessary?" :D

Hello elgitano,

I’m just curious… ???
for what in the world do you need 80 tracks???
What kind of music are you recording?

I recorded a 7 piece band incl. horn section, drums, bass, 2 guitars, keyboards, vocals, 4 x backing vocals and I never used more than 25 tracks.

80 tracks doesn’t mean 80 waves playing at the same time. It could be any combination of wave clips, each with different EQ settings or effects. I’ve done sound effects where there were many more than 80 different wave clips used. Fortunately in that case, I was able to squeeze them into “only” 50 something tracks. It all depends on what you are doing. 80 (even 40) would be a HUGE number of tracks for a typical piece of music.

(phoo @ May 31 2007,11:00)
"It all depends on what you are doing. 80 (even 40) would be a HUGE number of tracks for a typical piece of music."

I agree on that!
So, for what kind of music do you need such a HUGE number of tracks?

I could not keep up with 80 tracks myself. Although I have a guitar player one time that we called multi track Lance. At some point we start deleting track with him, and he never knew it. :p

80 tracks! WOW!

that is too cool!

Seems like an awful big load to put on a PC, make sure you got a cool room and an extra fan installed on the PC…or you could be experiencing the BIG CRASH!
that is the final dirt nap for your hard drive…lol

keep shinin’

jerm :cool:

80 tracks does not necessarily mean 80 wave files playing at the same time. 80 waves would probably bring down the hard drive. :)