Drum Shootout

Real kit, Roland TD-20, BFD

Nice little video comparing an acoustic kit, Roland e-kit and BFD.

Drum shootout



After 1.5 hours and out to the market, I had about 1/2 of the file downloaded… on my modem… :( I played IT up to the “Buffered” length. I decided to save the file but NO-GO… But to that point-in-time IT was a great show…

I got up to the BFD set-up… then nothing, after that that…

Anyway, what was your take on all this… Mark?

Have you spent any time with the n-Track drum kits, yet? If so, what’s your take on that stuff… ??

I haven’t spent any time, on the Drum kit, so-to-speak, yet… I’ve been working on the “Peek Level” “Time-Line” margin, and the “Editing” feature of v4.2.0

My setup here and the audio hardware I have wouldn’t allow me to produce any real drum tracks… so, I’m limited to “Sample” production of drum tracks… In order to track real drums here I need the acoustic enviroment and the outboard audio gear to capture them… So, that is somewhat beyond my grasp… for now…


neat little video. doesn’t really bother coming to a conclusion though.


Anyway, what was your take on all this… Mark?

Hi Bill,

Well all in all I enjoyed the overviews of the three drum techniques but the video didn’t really come to any conclusions. So I think you probably saw most of the “meat” of it so to speak…

And as for Virtual Gaffer tape… fantastic concept. I want some.


Have you spent any time with the n-Track drum kits, yet? If so, what’s your take on that stuff… ??

I’ve not had any playtime just recently but I’m hoping to get a few hours in over the next week.

I’ve actually just bought an Alesis D4 drum module from ebay (not arrived yet), mainly to use with my electronic drum kit, but I’m also interested in that it can be triggered from exisiting drum tracks, and drum mics, so that should keep me busy for a while too…

I tried using n-track drums as a Live Vsti with my e-kit but the latency was too great. I’m thinking that I may be able to use the D4 for monitoring while I’m recording the MIDI from the kit, and then I can use n-track drums to play back the track or route it back to the D4.


Hi Mark:
I’m gonna download the entire video and as it’s buffering I will play the file so as I can see IT all… Rats on the tele wire… and modem… Everyone’s after me Big Time about this… If I look … do you think I could find IT in a temp download file? just to see it without the buffer delay? If I look for it somewhere, in there… IT seems to me so far that the Roland TD-20 is quite respectable… Well… ?? I’m not so impressed with the BFD setup, so far… I’m watching IT as it’s buffering as I write this reply… My modem works well… it’s just slow… :laugh: ??? :p

IF for anything else, I still think I could get some use outta that drumagog software…

That Alesis D-4 unit is a “WANT” for me from way back when… If one was avaliable, what would the “Market” be asking for them…??

Sounds like I’m asking you how much you paid for yours… Don’t IT… lol…


Virtual Gaffer’s Tape… I forgot…

That sounds like great stuff… IT sounds something like a "Phase/Dynamic/Presence control, over the sample… Well, something like that…

The Red Green Show was on the CBC last evening… The last program Steve Smith and Company air’d for the final time. 300 shows were produced… during it’s run… Anyway, the skits used 3-M Duct Tape. The 3-M company donated the Tape for the productions… A lot of “FREE” promotion for them… No official advertising, though… But the 3-M company appeared as a credit at the end of each show…


If I look … do you think I could find IT in a temp download file?

Don’t know Bill. I had a poke around for the source of the page and I found a direct link to the vid which opens in Media Player “proper”… That may help.


That Alesis D-4 unit is a “WANT” for me from way back when… If one was avaliable, what would the “Market” be asking for them…??

Sounds like I’m asking you how much you paid for yours… Don’t IT… lol…

Well I got a good deal. I’ve seen them recently on ebay here in the uk for between £95 and £140. I got mine for £85. There are 3 more on ebay over here right now. Not sure what that is in “loonies”… (I do now thanks to xe currency converter. £85 is 170 loonies.

Thanks Mark:
The link opened media player proper and the file “saved as” just fine. By-the-way, it’s 32.8 meg… a gigantic dial-up file. It’s about 2:15+ in hours/mins… hehe…

The samples in my Alesis HR-16 drummer are quite respectable… and the Roland D-5 synth are as well… I expect they are 16-bit res. It’s just that a Time-code, is well… mechanical? in nature… A real drummer has somewhat of a slip-and-slide to how he presents himself.

I think that’s what’s good about these “Trigger Heads” in my opinion… I can see this Alesis D-4 unit with some “Home-made” MESH heads with pieso transducers would be the Bee’s-Knee’s… You are now off to the races… as I see IT…

I might even make an attempt to make a “Shell” with a mesh head to see if it’ll make-do… I know the ones I have “shells” now are not Drummer Compliant…


Quote (guitars69 @ April 08 2006,13:22)
neat little video. doesn't really bother coming to a conclusion though.

I hitnk that was the point. I think it was to more show off how the tools differ than to say any one is a clear "best".


I might even make an attempt to make a “Shell” with a mesh head to see if it’ll make-do…

Got to be worth a try. I’ve also had good success with sticking 50pence piezo transducers to some plastic practice cymbals.

You’re right Bubbagump:
After seeing the show for most of the afternoon here I seem to observe that the Drummer has shown a connection to the TD-20 set-up…

I seem to think if he was let loose on that set-up for a couple of TAKES, he could come up with some “Stellar Tub Tracks”… :O ???


A little bit of a derail but check these guys out: http://www.toontrack.com/demos.shtml
Scroll down to the product demos mp3 files.
Toontrack (dang Swedes) have the best samples I’ve heard but they’re still not worth all that much unless the programmer knows what he’s doing, as always…
Wish I could buy something that makes drum programming fun ???

Hi teryeah:
Just when you think you got a Handle on IT somebody busts IT off…

I’m sure hopeing that this drumagog sample replacer is gonna help me and my drum tracks out… I may need some other pieces of software-and-hardware to go with IT, but I think that’ll be the sample replacer software I intend to in cooperate into the setup I have in mind…

The only thing is it’s pretty pricey…

The various sample replacers use different sample extensions… None of this software uses the same file/sample/standard extensions… That;s some of the issues that one has to contend, with… Well…

Then, when you get the right extensions, the Bit-and-Sample Res. has to be converted to the right “Depth-Rate”…


Quote (teryeah @ April 08 2006,17:45)
Wish I could buy something that makes drum programming fun ???

Hey, maybe I won’t need that. This looks cool. The flash tutorial makes my Master Card itch :)

That visa card I have works so nice. anywhere in the world… :O ???

EZ Card… :O :laugh:


Oh man…GAS

Yep :)

I hope there’s a demo for it when it comes out. The pricing seems quite realistic but I didn’t see any mention of being able to build my own kits with my own samples - just expansion packs. That would be a bit of a pain.