Error importing mp3 files

I’m using Win 10 - 64bit
n-Track Version 9.1.5 64 Build: 4849 11/4/2021

  1. Launch Ntrack
  2. File | Import Audio file
  3. Browse to Desktop\Practice.mp3 (note the path and file type)
  4. [Open]

Error "Error opening file - C:\Users\Harrison\Desktop\HJ-Stuff\Lyden_Creek\EP\TropicalFeeling Raw Tracks\Unsaved new song\Audio\Practice.wav
[ok] (Note the path it’s looking at and, I’m trying to open a mp3 not a wav file!)

The system spins for about 10 seconds then I get another error:

Error "The wav file seems to be corrupt. A file system or disk error might have caused the problem. Do you want n-Track to try to recover the audio data? [Yes]

I click on Yes

Then it brings up s “Recover Raw Audio data” screen" [Ok]

I click on [Ok]

I get another error:
Error opening file - C:\Users\Harrison\Desktop\HJ-Stuff\Lyden_Creek\EP\Tropical Feeling Raw Tracks\Unsaved new song\Audio\PracticeTemp.wav (Note the path it’s looking at)

I click on [Ok]

Then I get another error: Error "Can’t open original file. The file might be in use by another program [ok]

I click on [ok]

I get another error:
Error opening wav file - C:\Users\Harrison\Desktop\HJ-Stuff\Lyden_Creek\EP\Tropical Feeling Raw Tracks\Unsaved new song\Audio\PracticeTemp.wav - C:\Users\Harrison\Desktop\HJ-Stuff\Lyden_Creek\EP\Tropical Feeling Raw Tracks\Unsaved new song\Audio\Practice.wav

I click [ok]

I get another error:
“Couldn’t find the file. The file may have been deleted or moved. (C:\Users\Harrison\Desktop\HJ-Stuff\Lyden_Creek\EP\Tropical Feeling Raw Tracks\Unsaved new song\Audio\Practice.wav”
I’m not trying to open that file, nor am I even in that folder!

I click on [ok]

Another error:
Error opening file -
“C:\Users\Harrison\Desktop\HJ-Stuff\Lyden_Creek\EP\Tropical Feeling Raw Tracks\Unsaved new song\Audio\Practice.wav”

I click [ok]

I used to do this all the time with no issues. Help!


1 Like

Does this happen with any mp3 file or specific ones? In the latter case please send a sample mp3 file to so that we can try to reproduce the issue.



This happens with ANY mp3 file.

The only way I’ve found to remedy this is to:

  1. Open n-Track
  2. Save a blank *.sng file to the folder where the mp3 that I want to open/edit resides.
    This seems to solve the problem. Basically I think I’m just setting the working path. Kinda like how n-track used to work before the “Set working path” was removed.


It’s strange that the path where n-Track tries to convert the mp3 to wav is “C:\Users\Harrison\Desktop\HJ-Stuff\Lyden_Creek\EP\TropicalFeeling Raw Tracks\Unsaved new song”
If the song has never been saved the path should be something like “C:\Users\Harrison\Music\n-Track Studio\Unsaved new song”
Try to rename or delete the n-Track data folder in “C:\Users\Harrison\AppData\Roaming\n-Track Studio 9” to see if it’s a settings issue.


Which folder would that be?
Here are the folders in C:\Users\Harrison\AppData\Roaming\n-Track Studio 9

n-Track Strings



I meant the whole folder, “C:\Users\Harrison\AppData\Roaming\n-Track Studio 9”

I renamed the C:\Users\Harrison\AppData\Roaming\n-Track Studio 9 folder and it looks like that fixed it! Do I need anything from that folder or can it be deleted?


Uploading of MP3 files can fail if the MP3 file properties contain unknown or non-standard characters. (There are a variety of reasons why these characters may appear.) The solution is easy; edit the properties to remove the characters and then upload the file.

This may help you,
Rachel Gomez

I’m having the same problem on android 14. When I try to import an mp3 it gives me about a 1 second blurp. The wavelength is about 1/8 of an inch.

Please send the mp3 file to so that we can take a look. When errors like this happen sometimes the issue is that the file is not actually an mp3 but another format that n-Track doesn’t currently support (for example WebM), and the file is incorrectly named with the mp3 extension.
