Eugene Armstrong beheading video

I thought the coalition weren’t in the business of ‘negotiating with terrorists’?

Looks like the Italians must have forgotten that bit;

“The young women’s life was the most important thing,” Mr Selva, a member of the Northern League, one of the parties in Italy’s governing coalition, told French RTL radio.

"In principle, one should not give in to blackmail, but this time I think we had to give in - even though this opens a dangerous path because it is obvious that both for political or criminal reasons, this path can make others want to take others hostage to make some money."

At that rate, it’s about time someone paid off Zarqawi and got Ken Bigley released…

Well done Blair. You tried your best… (not)

Hostage Bigley Reported Killed

That’s terrible! It’s amazing that they let him live this long - it doesn’t seem to follow their pattern.