Export each track to separate wavs - what actually happens?


I just did and somekinda rendering presumably happened - from what I saw going on on the screen. But I would like to know exactly what are done to the wav then.

Nothing was asked when i clicked the prompt to export 'em, the calculating just started. No questions about bit depth, effects on or not, process the master channel etc. - like what you would have if you rendered a track or tracks to a single wav. So is there somewhere a way to choose those options? Or a way to know what the factory default will do.

First of all, are the volume automations calculated into new file? And how about the effects?

Panning automation presumably can’t be with, since how would a single mono file know where it’s positioned in stereo mix… Groups are a mystery, but I presume they’re are not doing anything either.

It seems to me that the orginal wavs in the song are still the old ones. They seem to be under the song folder in folder AUDIO. The exported ones seem to be in the folder EXPORTED AUDIO. So am I right that exporting each track doesn’t do anything to song project file or files in there?

The exported files seem to be of different lengths just like the originals, so if want to use them in another project, I have to figure out the starting positions manually. (And if I want to render shorter tracks in a way they start at the beginning of the song, I have to mixdown song each track selected one by one choosing “whole song” as interval of the mixdown.)

The “Export tracks to separate wave files” command basically exports stems that you can import into any DAW to reconstruct the song. The existing song files are not touched (consistent with the fact that it’s an export command in the export/share box).
It’s equivalent to bouncing each individual track to a separate file (long press on the track → Process → Bounce) and putting each bounced file in a zip file.
Each bounce will start from the beginning of the song so the tracks will line up automatically. Tracks effects and envelopes (voilume and pan if the track is stereo) are processed, group channels are not.
