Forum restored

Hi vanclan:
My screen resolution is set at 1024 x 768… The Board’s size fills my screen at that res.

Perhaps, if your screen size is somewhere below that size you may get a horizontal Sizing Bar… I don’t know… It might be worth a try to see if your graphics card and monitor will support that screen res.

I could never seem to get the Board to remember who I was. But on the other hand I had no issues with signing in to the Older Board Builds. Only if-and-when the Builds got corrupt … and that happened a few times.

I’m not sure what may be causing my ability to edit the posts I put up… It seems to work just fine one-or-two times then it wouldn’t allow me to edit and then it allows me and all… :O ??? I’m a very poor typer and speller and… and… Well… When I get Hammering on an idea I don’t look at what I’m saying… in print… Then … when I look at my print I am unable to fix my thoughts with out trying to edit my print after I get it posted.

This editing issue may very well improve my typing and spelling and may very well fix me when I put my tongue into gear before I enguage my gray matter. :O ??? Well…


My screen resolution is definitely 1024 wide and I’m seeing a horizontal scroll bar. The last bit of the text on the right (about 1.5 letters) is not visible unless I scroll right. Weird. Seems kind of a nitpicky thing but it is a bit annoying when you read the forum a lot.

Also, I notice that when I use the address it still has trouble logging me in and remembering me. Not so if I use

Not to be a whiner :) Ikonboard is great software, and I like the way Flavio has set it up. Not to mention the folks on here are great.

Hey Bill, I wouldn’t worry about the spelling and such. What you say is always a good read. After awhile, we all seem to get the knack of bluenoseee, just like we got to understand limey if we really worked at it. What’s important is the topics discussed. I’ve learned so much from you and everyone else on this forum.


Hi Gents:
I thought I would post a print screen of the Board’s image as I see it on my monitor/setup… For interest’s sake…

I believe Flavio has worked on some details of it’s appearence and all… It looks pretty good from here… Just my opinion… of course…

As I go down the pages of topics I try to pay attention to technical replies to topics that interest me and my use of n-Track and I look for links that point to applications and software and plugs that the users are playing with…

I like to listen at the music links that you post but I am on a dialup and at times it takes forever to buffer the files so it can be heard at “one pass”…

There may be someone up here that might offer a suggestion as to why a horizontal scroll bar is on your graphic’s setup… I know as I was preparing the image I have here there was a scroll bar on the image’s file print… but not as I see it posted up here… STRANGE…


A-HA! That screenshot helps a lot, Bill! You’re accessing it through a different link altogether:

When you use that link, the N-track website menu bar (Home, Download, Forum, etc.) at the left disappears, allowing Ikonboard to take up the whole 1024 wide screen.

When you use one of the links I was using:

the menu bar is there, which makes the scroll bar appear. What’s weird is that the last version of the software fit into 1024 including the menu bar. Now it doesn’t, but I’ll just use your link. :)

PS - I’ve never noticed your spelling to be off. Perhaps it’s because I’m not a great speller myself. But I’ll share my secret with you. If you install the Google toolbar, it has a button which lets you check and correct spelling in web forms. It highlights all the misspelled words in red and if you click on them it suggests corrected spellings. I use that a lot.

Good catch HotDogWater. I’ve switched over as well. As usual, Bill comes up with the solution.

Hi You Two:
I got the Google Toolbar if you check… It works like a charm… Well, pretty good… But what happens with this version/build (for me)… of the Board is… I open the spell checker and do my Do-Do’s and all… Then I add something to the rest of the reply and look for spelling errors with the spell checker and that is when I am denied access to the editor… It might work the second time however, on another reply maybe the third time on that reply… who knows??. All I know… is… on the earlier Board I could edit till the cows come home… IT worked every time I attempted to edit the reply I was about to post…

When I first opened this new board I got a reduced size’d image… But I went to my bookmarks and found an earlier link that opened this board as I remember the earlier board(s) to appear.

As a matter of interest, I see some spam leaking into this build… I’m sure Flavio is aware… I saw him up here this morning when I posted that screen image…

I ask this question???

Could one of us have some kind of spam/virus/spyware of whatever and not be aware of some kind of CRAP we might be bringing to the Message Board?

What is the Path… that allows this kind of activity to enter this Board’s Server? For the little bit that I know about this kind of stuff, I’d say IT ain’t gonna go away on it’s own… Sweeping it under the rug isn’t gonna help… Talking about it may only make it worse… I don’t know…


You all know… I have little-or-no knowledge of Links and Stuff… But yes… I’m gonna bookmark this link and rename IT… and store it in my Forum’s folder…

SEE… This time the edit worked… No issues…

Hi Again:
I wanted to add some more thoughts to the post/reply… just above this one… So… I attemped to open the message using the EDIT button… NO-Go… I was denied the EDIT Option… But… IT says I am logged in as woxnerw…


Hey Bill, are you sure you’ve got enough addins / toolbars in your browser there ? :p :p

Re - the spelling thing, in Firefox 2 there’s a built in spell checker. Now I just have to know when to ignore the red lines when the American spell checker my real English spelling is wrong …

:p :p :p

Hi Wihan Stemmet:
Ii KkNnOoWw… Ain’t that funny. I have reduced the viewing area of my browser to a few inches. The Google bar is about the only one I use and can get away, with… I should toss the others…

What’s the easiest way to do that?

I use the beinsync bar to sync folders on my LAN in the studio… The Yahoo one for the spyware scan and the webshot one to upload photos… A couple more toolbars wouldn’t hurt > :O :laugh:

Maybe, I should go to IE 7 or something. and get into a real bind.

Anyway, I haven’t seen you up here for some time. I figured you were doing an engine job on your bike, or something. Everyone’s gettin their bikes out around here… The weather is getting better… It’s 4c here this morning. My furnace is running… We’re all hoping for warmer weather… a long weekend is coming up…

The price of fuel went up here .07 for the weekend. It’s at 1.22.9 a litre today… Looks like we’re all gonna have to walk.


Fuel issues it seems is everywhere :(

Yeah, I haven’t been around that much - couple of other things that kept me busy (too busy :( )

Trying to clear up your IE’s bars is probably gonna be a little more difficult than starting fresh. (I still suggest trying Firefox)

Over here it’s becoming winter. Me and Vicky also just came back from a 3300 km motorcycle tour. We had lots of fun - I’ll post something about it at some time. I’ve seen parts of South Africa that I’ve never been in before.

Cheers, Bill !

Nice seeing all the familiar faces again.


Get a horse Bill. It can keep your grass cut, you can ride it to work. And if you get a methane powered car, you can use the manure to power the car. And you can tell the gas company where to stick it… :D

Ahhh! My eyes! Bright light! BRIGHT LIGHT!!!

A 3300km tour… I’ll bet that was fascinating… That’s a respectable distance. What’s your average/mean temperature there now? I presume you live near the coast… So, your temperature is is quite comfortable where you’re at…

I’m sure that somewhere in the windows folder there is a place where the toolbars can be removed… ?? One day I’ll take a peek…

I see that print screen image link has disappeared. It’ll be interesting to see if I am able to Edit that post… and repair the link. Anyway, it matters “Little”…

Over here, we wait all winter to receive a few short weeks of acceptable/comfortable weather with too high temperatures and humidity… Then it’s back to rain and fog… It’s quite normal to talk a lot about it here… You see we are totally dependent upon our weather… Everything revolves around IT…

Seeing photos from other parts of the world is fascinating to me… I’ll be waiting for you to post them…


Hi again !

It’s now starting to get to a (mild) autumn here. You are quite right about the temperature being mild.

On our trip we had warm (semi arid) types of days, while at the coldest (we’ve been to one of the highest points in South Africa) it was -6 degrees celcius one night (the morning started off as -1) - that should be a breeze for you guys over there !

I’ve posted the ride report (except the last day) on another (SA) site, but there’s lots of ‘Afrikaans’ English in there - I’ll massage it a little for the American eyes and post it in the anything goes forum.

Cheers !


Hi Wihan Stemmet:
I think we have similar weather here right now. However, this week we have had it quite wet. We need the rain right now… The ground water is down and our lakes are maybe 12 - 18" below normal. It’s really dry… Our mornings are just below freezing and the overcast is keeping the temperature around 10c ? at mid-day… If we don’t get rain we’re gonna have a bad summer for water…

This is a long weekend here… Something like Memorial Day Weekend for the Americans… There long weekend is next week…

All I need to do is… win the lottery… Then you’d find me in any country in the world. It would be so nice to see other parts of the world… Well??

This weekend signals the start of outdoor activities. But , not this weekend. It’s WET… My grass is growing like no tomorrow… I got a ride-on mower… I want to christen it… But I’ll have to wait till it gets dryer… I guess.

So instead, I have a CD to listen to… It’s Common Thread… Songs of the Eagles… My type of music… It came out in 1993… So that’s where I am musically… The tracks are world class… I rarely listen to the vocals… but… it so happens that the vocal tracks on this CD are world class as well…

And I’ll go to your Travel Post… Get those photos posted… I hear you got some nice High-Country over there… Show me some “horizon” photos…

The Eagles and Tequila Sunrise… Take It To The Limit… Remember… this stuff had to be written 25 - 30 years ago…

The stuff written today has to stand the test of time… We’ll see…


Hi !

It all of a sudden got seriously wet over here as well.

I love the Eagles …

Good harmonies, very good songs and good arrangements I think the Eagles are good examples…

How’s this for a pic so long ?

Vicky took it over my shoulder in heavy wind…

That’s a great photo… You can’t get any closer to the road than that…

Is this photo taken in the morning or, the afternoon? And… are you heading in an easterly direction or westerly? To get some idea if this is morning sun or afternoon sun…

It looks like you got the road to yourselves…


:D - Purty much had the road to ourselves.
(Except for the occasional cow - rural Eastern Cape…)

We are traveling east, and it is afternoon - hard to tell due to the contrast and the cloud cover …

That’s great…
If we were traveling to toward the east here in the fall we would have the sun on-and-opposite our right shoulder.
