Forum restored

After server meltdown

I’m sorry for the disruption, the server got irremediably corrupted, it had to be reinstalled and because of a nefarious series of events the last couple of backups got lost too and posts made between the 25th of April and yesterday were lost. Older posts should all be there as well as the user accounts.
On the plus side this is a newer version of the forum software and a better one should be released soon which will hopefully be better at managing spammers who lately are trying to post to the forum.


Hi Flavio and Guys:
Thank you Flavio, looking into and fixing this Board… I’m really glad to see IT up-and-running again…

Is there a way to get the Board’s colours/Shading to a point where the messessages can be viewed with less eye-strain?


[EDIT] Maybe, it’ll be alright when time has a chance to render-it-all…

Hi Gents:
I wanted to go back into the reply I just posted and “Re-Edit” (the) post… However, I am not permitted to re-edit the reply…

Here’s what I get when I attempt (the) request…

Sorry, you do not have permission to edit that message

You are currently logged in as woxnerw

« « Go Back

Am I doing something wrong? Or what could this issue be?


Interesting… I am editing this post :O ???

I’m gonna post this edit and then go back and attempt another edit of this post…

[EDIT 2}

This Re-Edit works O.K.

Well, I am certainly glad to see this forum restored. I found myself missing it when it was gone! The other “strange” thing I notice is that the forum’s display is now just slightly wider than 1024 pixels, so I have to scroll right on my 1024 screen to see the far right hand side of the post.

[EDIT] I seem to be able to edit my own posts.

Hi HotDogWater:
NICE… EH?????? (Upper Canadian Expression) We don’t use IT out here, on the East Coast…

It’s pretty new… This Board… That…Is… But editing your posts has some strange issues… I haven’t put my fingers on just what-and-how the edit limitations are just yet… At times I am able to go back and edit and other times I am not (permitted)… ??? << [EDIT] #2 IT worked O,.K.

I’m still playing with this…


[EDIT] I am editing this post… All O.K. Edit # 1… Just checking…

[EDIT #3]
This one worked O.K.

??? Better… It would be nice if the “Area” of the “Tpoics” would be a little lighter in Shade … It’s quite "Dark at the moment…


Yep, I was getting withdrawal symptoms.
Thanks Flavio!


EDIT > just testing

My last post… and Edit#3… I spelt “Topics” incorrectly… I wanted to edit the spelling of TOPICS… I got “Not Allowed” to edit my reply…


Thank you Flavio. :)

As always, your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Hmmmmm, same problem as Bill.

I can’t edit my previous post, and I get the same message as Bill had.

But, I do like the look and colors of the new board. :D

EDIT: However, I can edit this one! Weird. ???

But, I can’t re-edit it.

So it seems that posts in pale blue can’t be edited, and ones in darker grey can only be edited once.

OK, I’ll live with that. :D

Oooh Flavio, say “irremediably corrupted” again…

Hi Gents:
Do you suspose there is a “Bug” in this version/build of the Ikonboard?

Quoting Flavio here…

On the plus side this is a newer version of the forum software and a better one should be released soon which will hopefully be better at managing spammers who lately are trying to post to the forum.


Maybe?? there might be a config in the Build’s preferences that can fix this… Who knows??

Just throwing this out for thought…


Hi mfl… I’m being Smart while I check out the editing on this post… Sorry Flavio… :p That’s awful close to a ONE Loonie Line, there…
Oooh Flavio, say “irremediably corrupted” again…

yeah man,this is kinda cool huh?the icy blue is good,maybe shitcan the green/gray color though

I hope this version board software can keep the blinkin’ darn spam-bots away. I gave up on posting in some threads… afraid I’d catch net-cooties or sumthin’…


(woxnerw @ May 15 2007,19:50)
Hi mfl… I’m being Smart while I check out the editing on this post… Sorry Flavio… :p That’s awful close to a ONE Loonie Line, there…
Oooh Flavio, say “irremediably corrupted” again…

GASP!! Did I print that in my “out loud” voice?!

(mfl @ May 15 2007,20:57)

(woxnerw @ May 15 2007,19:50)
Hi mfl… I’m being Smart while I check out the editing on this post… Sorry Flavio… :p That’s awful close to a ONE Loonie Line, there…
Oooh Flavio, say “irremediably corrupted” again…

GASP!! Did I print that in my “out loud” voice?!

I enjoyed reading Flavio’s first post. I was smiling to myself thinking “he’s better at the english language than I am and I’m english”.

EDIT: Edit works here too. Looks like it’s fixed.

Irremediably, but not irredeemably, apparently. :D

edit works here.

Nicer look to things, too.

Hey… We ain’t got those words in the Bluenose Letter Book… Anything bigger than AND and THE and those sort of letters would be a waste of time and space, and all… AND I’ve been looking for those AND AND AND Chocolate Bars… they’ve been talking about them on the TV… I can’t seem to find any place that sells them out here on the coast… and… I’ve been looking for a bucket of Cod Tongues… too … I’m getting down … I’ve only got enough left for one more meal… :O ??? :;):


Wow!! Looks cool, and it even remembers who I am automatically, instead of having to logon 2-4 times before I could post. Interesting that it took a meltdown to get these things fixed. Maybe we should apply that scenario to Ottawa, Bill?