From 1936


Check this:

From 1936


Great link, King. One sort of wonders why more folks don’t understand how this is all about oil. Oh, well, the end times people don’t think it is, of course, and at least I understand their “logic.”

Barely related, from the wonderful “Rapture Ready” message board:


Is it wrong to feel excited?


Someone has probably already mentioned this, but…

Is it wrong to feel excited about all that is going on in the Middle East
right now?

I am torn between wanting all #### to break loose over there, because
it means we are closer to going home, and guilt because of these feelings.

I feel guilty and messed-up, because what Christian would wish war and
fighting, which results in many people being hurt and killed? I probably
would feel much different, if it were affecting me personally on my own turf.

Anyone else feel the same way I do?

That’s frickin pathetic isn’t it.


What are you doing lurking on the Rapture Ready board??? :p



Is it wrong to feel excited?

Last time I saw a quote like that it was from the “problems” page in a tacky magazine.

'Fess up Toms :D


Oh, yes, I get a kick from the rr board.

Actually, DrG, I just discovered it - although apparently it has been around for years and years and years and years. It’s like entereing an alternate universe, or reading the Left Behind series. Really poorly written fiction. Truthfully, I need to pay attention to various viewpoints so I can address them intelligently.

Didn’t mean to hijack the thread, King. :)

Quote (TomS @ July 16 2006,05:17)

Didn’t mean to hijack the thread, King. :)

Actually, it’s part of the topic…One the one hand there is the oil crowd(Greed) and on the other there is the Revelations crowd (Insanity) who have teamed up to give us this mess we have now! They both have different goals…but as long as one group helps the other group get closer to their goal they will help each other along. Zippity-do-dah!

Did you read this?



Quote (TomS @ July 16 2006,10:41)
Barely related, from the wonderful “Rapture Ready” message board:

Is it wrong to feel excited?


Someone has probably already mentioned this, but…

Is it wrong to feel excited about all that is going on in the Middle East
right now?

I am torn between wanting all #### to break loose over there, because
it means we are closer to going home, and guilt because of these feelings.

I feel guilty and messed-up, because what Christian would wish war and
fighting, which results in many people being hurt and killed? I probably
would feel much different, if it were affecting me personally on my own turf.

Anyone else feel the same way I do?

That is indeed pathetic.

One can never be excited about a war coming on.

‘End times’ or not.

Christianity for me is about living, not trying to rush the end of the world.




Edit:/ <!–QuoteBegin>
“I probably would feel much different, if it were affecting me personally on my own turf.”
- what was that ? Its cool for people to get hurt, as long as it is someone else’s people that get hurt ?!
I mean - WTF ?

Wihan, the thing is, these are Bush’s base, which is why some of us are so upset over here.

King, one of the more interersting correlations, and one that is rarely discussed, is that between a certain kind of conservative Christian upbringing and later contacts with the criminal justice system. Taboo to talk about, but…


Lucky for me we’ve established a difference between the Christianity that I’m in and the ‘Bush veriety’ :D

I feel just as strongly as you about people who use religion to hide behind. (or for any alterior motive).

That just piss me off …
