Happy birthday woxnerw and gtr4him

All the best gtr4him and Bill, may you have many many more.
:D :p :D :p :laugh:

hope its a good one for both ya’s!


Happy Birthday boys!


You 2 share a birthday ?

Cool !

Hope its an awesome year.

Thanks for all the contributions here …


HBD, both! :D

Thanks guys. I just hope they keep coming around on time… :D

D – aka gtr4Him

PS Happy Birthday Bill you ol’ coot! er… Canuck! eh… whatever… :D

Happy Birthday guys! I know what your parents were doing New Years Eve many years ago… :p


Happy birthday guys. Keep makin’ the music, and makin’ the world a sweeter sounding place.


A very happy birthday to you both Bill and Tim. :)

(Bill and Tim? Wasn’t there a gay semi-pornographic puppet show on Channel 4 called that? :()



Get stinking drunk, have horrible hangovers, and then you can be thankful that this only happens once a year. :D