He Thought He Felt Something

He Thought He Felt Something.

This music for this song was written in the 70’s (when I was 16 or 17).
I recorded a while ago and re-mixed it recently.
I am playing all the instruments and the drums are from Mick Fleetwood’s Total Drumming CD.

Comments/criticisms are always welcome.

Nice Mike!

Channeling Neil again eh? :)

Wait… He’s not dead yet is he? Okay… not channeling. Very Neil-ish though. It sounds good on the desktop speakers. Something about the drums… don’t know. Mostly the snare… somehow doesn’t “sit”… to me anyway. I’m not a drummer so… what do I know?

Great stuff. I appreciate your tunes. Gives me hope that there’s still some people out there trying to keep GOOD music alive. :agree:


Good tune.
Haven’t we heard a version of this, perhaps a few years back?

You know what it is about the drums, to me? Sounds like the snare is in the wrong place. Just a bit too far on the front of the beat. Or something.

Quote: (TomS @ Nov. 29 2010, 8:01 PM)

Good tune.
Haven't we heard a version of this, perhaps a few years back?

You know what it is about the drums, to me?
Sounds like the snare is in the wrong place.
Just a bit too far on the front of the beat.
Or something.

Maybe that's it... Maybe play around with the snare a touch Mike? Still... a good tune man.


The drums are either lagging or the rest of the track is rushing in spots. Dunno if it’s loops or not that aren’t exactly true to the BPM or what. Totally fixable. I love the drum sounds myself. I really like the melody especially. Harmonies are very nicely done. Sweet vibra on the guitaaah - very nice Mike.

Thanks for feedback.

Yes - it’s possible I’ve posted this before (maybe 4 years ago) but this is a new mix for a new CD called New Old Stock with new effects and different approach in mixing. So I wanted some other ears to check the mix.

As for the drums, thanks for catching what maybe a timing issue.
The original song was recorded in nTrack but the new mix was done in Reaper, and I had to manually sync the drums so it’s possbile that I am off a little bit.
So I will check that asap.

Also, I don’t have any control over the internal drum
mix because the loops come in stereo .wav files already mixed.
I actually like the sound of the drums but MF’s drums don’t work on every song.

As for Neil, it has to be my voice that reminds you of him because this song is not a Neil song at all.
It’s chord and it’s structure are really different than Neil’s.
Having said that, I do have a bunch of songs that definitely “channel” Neil.

The tremolo is from my '62 Vibrolux which produces the “best” vibrato in the world - much better than the later blackface amp which used a different circuit.

The sound of the drums is excellent. I love that sound.

Nice, Mike. Just listened (before or after the drum fix?) Either way, it’s cool.

Quote: (Mr Soul @ Nov. 30 2010, 10:29 AM)

As for Neil, it has to be my voice that reminds you of him because this song is not a Neil song at all.
It's chord and it's structure are really different than Neil's.
Having said that, I do have a bunch of songs that definitely "channel" Neil.

Yep. It's the voice. As I recall you played in a Neil tribute band for a while right?

Anyway... good stuff. Keep 'em coming.


Thanks for listening (and I don’t really mind being compared to Neil).


Yep. It’s the voice. As I recall you played in a Neil tribute band for a while right?

Yes I did for a while (and I’ve sounded like him all my life).
I was performing at a farmer’s maket last summer and a guy came up to me afterwards and said I sounded more like Neil than Neil does (now).
At that particular moment my voice was very warmed up because I had played the previous day.
I was singing Helpless, (in the original key of D) which is quite high, but I was able to sail through the melody.
Needless to say, I appreciated the comment.

As for the drums, I haven’t had a chance to work on them yet.

Nice tune and mix!

Thanks again to all those who listened & commented. I think I have fixed the drum issue so if you would please listen again & see what you think, it would be much appreciated. I also brought up the vocal & harmony tracks by 1 Db (because I thought they were a little low in the mix).

The drum track was positioned ever so slightly behind the music tracks. This happened because when I originally recorded the song, I only had a click track. Later I added the drum track from Mick Fleetwood drum loops. The drum loop track was OK and at the correct tempo. When I recently re-mixed the song, I created a new project in Reaper and failed to position the drum track correctly.

Thanks again.