Help with my Audiophile 2496!

So I want to convert my midi files to wav files, but I don’t know how to configure my soundcard to record from it’s own output. I have an Audiophile 2496, any chance someone out there has the same soundcard? Maybe someone can help solve my delema?




Assuming you’re not using any outboard midi devices, you should should just be able to do a “normal” mixdown of your song. If you just want to render your midi track to a wav, solo it and do a mixdown.



Yeah, what Mark said. :) The 2496 doesn’t have any onboard MIDI synth capabilities, so the MIDI you’re hearing must be coming from either some software synth (e.g. Windows’ built-in softsynth, Soundfont VST plugin, sampler plugin, etc.) or an external device (e.g., a keyboard synth, module, etc.). For the soft synths/samplers, Mark’s technique will work.

If you are getting your MIDI sounds from an external synth (e.g., keyboard, module, etc), you’d connect the MIDI out from that device to your 2496’s audio inputs, then just record from those inputs. You might also explore the “Convert MIDI tracks to a wave track” feature (under Track->MIDI in version 4.1), though I personally do what I mentioned in the previous sentence.

HTH…and I hope I wasn’t too redundant given Mark’s advice :)



you’d connect the MIDI out from that device to your 2496’s audio inputs, then just record from those inputs.

Can’t connect MIDI out to AUDIO inputs! I think that’s a typo. You want the line-outs from your external MIDI module or synth to the line-ins of your 24/96.

TG :)

GAH!!! :O YES, YES, YES…I meant line-outs…call off the MIDI-to-RCA cable efforts, Dave! I hope it’s not too late! Thanks for the correction, TG. (Darn it, I knew I should have just gone to bed last night.) :D


(EDIT: Oh, now I remember–I was thinking “MIDI device’s audio out”, but somehow I skipped a few important words… :( )

Heh. No sweat Tony. My typing often does not keep up with my thinking. Only later after proofreading a time or two do I go… DOH! :D Missing werdz can be a problem…



My typing is significantly faster than my thinking. Trouble is that I type 30 words a minute with 5 errors. :)