Hey TOM!

Listened to this wack job of a tune today - loves it. Loves da story behind it more.

Hey Tom!

Hey, that’s really good, Tommy! :agree:

What’s the story behind it?

Hey Poppa Willis:

Thanks for posting that link…
Great story line…
Those tracks fit pretty well, together…

I was expecting a 4 -or-8 bar finish…
However, it just stopped…
That’s O.K.


No 8 bar finishes for me… can’t stand the headache next day.

Poppa can probably take it though… ol’ mountain man and all…


Well the story begins, in, of all places, Arkansas… and steadily goes down hill from there… Done fergetted my Arkansas tune… Arkansas… whoot Never did finish that’n…

OR is it Mountain dewwww…

Like that ending…
Stop that…

Get outta the way…



Tommy, you once asked me to do a mandolin track for a song much like that one, which I did indeed send along, and which you found, quite properly, to be lacking in swing and suitable groove, b/c contrary to any evidence to the contrary, I can’t play that thing worth a hill of beans, or even worth a single bean, and I was relieved that you didn’t ever actually use the track, b/c it was pasted together out of about a dozen defective attempts… Just reminding you, however, since I am certain that this is about some other friend of yours who might be named Tom etc. :)

You sure it ain’t about a Bluenose, guy ????

:p :laugh: