Ho hum

Want cheese ?


Sigh, I still remember my first steel string guitar, a very early Eko acoustic it was.

Strings like cheese-wire and frets like a mandolin (the kitchen utensil, not the musical instrument).

It was never tiredness that ended my practise sessions, but rather weakness due to blood loss.

And I still had it until about 10 years ago (never played the damm thing though). Then I picked it up one day, and it slipped out of my hand and dropped about a foot onto a carpeted floor landing on its tail.

It was weird. The glue must’ve deteriorated or summat, but the whole thing just instantly disassembled.

No cracks or breaks in the wood, just a perfect disassembly with all the component parts lying neatly side by side.

So I burnt the bastard! :cool:

Sure…and fries, too.

You know, back in the 60’s right after the Beatle boom there were a LOT of cheezy guitars on the market. That site should add a section for guitars sold only in supermarkets and 5 and 10 stores. I still have one - I believe it was Sean’s first guitar (for historical perspective).

Over here in the 70’ies we had dirty cheap mail-order guitars that were the entry level electrics. My ex-brother in law gave me this Avon which is a copy of whaterverit’scalled doublecut Les Paul Special with single coils (not P90s). It’s a totally unplayable piece of crap and it sounds dead cool for slide :)

That’s the early 60’s Melody Maker look-a-like!

Yeah, that’s it. See email about hosting a picture :)

Hows this?

click for the big picture

You got to name 'em you know. :)

Name them ? OK, the Avon in the left side of the corner is Hilda from now on. How’s that ?

Works for me. What the white one on the far left? I don’t remember you mentioning her before.

That’s a he, not a she. He’s an Ibanez Talman and from this day he’ll be named after what I paid for him: '76 Chevy 350 :)

Quote (phoo @ Dec. 10 2005,15:09)
You know, back in the 60’s right after the Beatle boom there were a LOT of cheezy guitars on the market. That site should add a section for guitars sold only in supermarkets and 5 and 10 stores. I still have one - I believe it was Sean’s first guitar (for historical perspective).

Nah, that’s not my first guitar. That one was given to me by a friend (his first guitar) specifically to smash, but I never did it.

First guitar was a Kay with a painted on pickguard, obtained from Top Value Stamps for 7 books of stamps, Christmas-time 1965 after much begging and pleading.
Quote (phoo @ Dec. 10 2005,20:17)
You got to name 'em you know. :)

As for naming guitars, I don't do that either. Well, I generally call them names when they won't do what I tell them but none that'll print here. :cool:


As for naming guitars, I don’t do that either.

Nah me neither… my Strat is just “Strat”, my Godin is just “Godin”, my Ibanez is just…er… “Ibansnez”. :)

I do call the Les Paul “Lester”. I guess that counts. Not very original though… I used to call my all malpe Alvarez acoustic “Blondie”. Now no matter what I call it… it won’t come… it has grown into my sons flesh. Which is not a bad thing I suppose since the boy can PLAY! :D