Homemade music

My song made on n-track

I am new at all of this, I have been writing forthe last few years and just thought I would record a song. I know it is not perfect in anyway.

Please feel free to give any useful advice to help me improve forthe future. thanks



Sounds like you’re on the right track (sorry couldn’t help it) You have (in my opinion) 2 keys to good music, very good singing and very good writing, all the software and hardware money can buy might make the lack of either passable but you stand out if you have those 2 on your side. Get your hands on the best condenser mic you can afford and an sm57 and post more songs here. Good stuff! :)

Hi slinky! It sounds like you’ve got a good start for your first recordings. The singer seems to be quite talented. You can never go wrong with good raw material like that :D

I just posted a couple of versions of a live track in the forum under the title “Out of the basement…” and it seems to me that you could get a really hot recording by just refining the “live technique with overdubs” it seems we’re both using.

I have two ideas that may help you out right away. The first is that you might get a lot more out of the recordings if you overdubbed another acoustic guitar track rather than using the electric like you’re using now. It seems that the electric rhythm is asking for a full band behind it and the strummed acoustic isn’t able to drive the song hard enough to make up for the lack of a drummer. Otherwise it might work to treat the electric something like an “organ” or synth-pad sound where the notes sustain and thicken the mix with delay/chorus and some subtle reverb?

Second is to really emphasize the vox! You’re really strong in this area and it would pay big dividends to figure out how to do some layering or thickening using vox. Maybe you could figure out some way to do something way outside the box, like doing some scat or vocal improv instead the traditional guitar solo.

Suckas like me have no other choice but to turn up the guitar to drown out our suckalicious voices!!!

Again, a couple of very interesting first posts.
