How music deals with pain

for you Daddy x

I received an email today that reminded me how great music can be when you hurt!

I hope you don’t mind me sharing this but I thought it could help…me if not anyone else.

Click here for ‘Dads song’ (Strength through weakness)

In two weeks I am moving and there will then be no way for my father (who is currently abroad and threatening return) to find me, whilst this breaks my heart it is for the best as he is a man who I can no longer help. I love my Daddy dearly…This song is for him.

Ange x

(ps, i apologise about the quality)

Beautiful Ange…I really don’t want to make any other comment. Just Beautiful.

I’m going, right now, to get my little lad, give him a big cuddle and do whatever he wants.

Sometimes I get so caught up in work and life in general.

Lovely Ange, thanks.

I can’t find a thing to say that means anything right now.


(ps, i apologise about the quality)

The quality is enough that the emotion in your voice comes right through.
Really moving song, thanks for sharing it. Hope the best for you,

Kev Boyle

Beautiful. sad but beautiful.

Hits close to home here right now too.

Thanks for sharing Ange.

what can you say to something so real?
very moving in its simplicity and authenticity.
i took my boy out for some baseball practice after hearing that.

side note: you’re not moving to the states, are you?
pacific northwest is awfully great this time of year.
plus the rodeo’s in town this weekend!
i’ve got 6 VIP tickets, baby!
sorry to break up the somber mood.
how discourteous.

Thank you everyone.

The point to this posting was simple and you have confirmed it’s reasoning very well. :)
We are the lucky ones, who can create create beauty from our pain in the music we make. (those who can’t make the music, relate to the songs we write and find their own meanings in our songs)
This is a song of freedom to me, a song about strength and acceptance, it makes me proud not sad.
What is so precious about music is that everyone takes what they need to from it.
I find that music is the one way we can take a little good from our hurt and turn it in to something soothing for someone else.


I’m going, right now, to get my little lad, give him a big cuddle and do whatever he wants.


Hits close to home here right now too.


i took my boy out for some baseball practice after hearing that.

God bless.
Ange x

Ps…States?! Me?! I tis be Somerset las, I’m off to Yeovil. However…throw in the flights and accommodation and I’ll be more than happy to take one of those tickets from ya :wink:

Do you find it hard to write such emotional stuff though?

I really struggle with that sort of thing, as my emotions sometimes run so strong the only song I could produce to convey my feelings would be the sounds of me screaming in rage, or sobbing in a corner. (I think Lennon covered that when he was coming off drugs)
Even extreme happiness seems hard to hit, so I end up dumbing the feelings down and writing something that vaguely washes over it.

I really do struggle to put feelings like that into music.

You got a talent there Ange!

Thank you Craig…
With a talent like yours hun, I am almost certain that you could write for your feelings.
Next time you need some comfort just pick up your guitar and play, If all you wanna do is scream…then scream (after all, ain’t that heavy metal?) tell your story, just get lost in your feelings (and have Ntrack recording the entire thing) then another day, when you have healed a little, listen to it, you’ll find a song in there somewhere.
(Its kinda good therapy too if you ask me. :) )

Ange x

I think there is something about dealing with pain that focuses us, and leads to our best writing.

I had a chance for a quick listen last night. Good song Ange. Keep it up… you have a great voice.


PS I am beginning to understand why I can’t write lyrics worth a crap. Happiness? Pain? Yeah, I guess I feel those but most of the time I am content and blissfully ignorant. I believe it’s a blessing but sometimes I wonder? My wife tells me that if I were any more “laid back” I’d be in a coma.

Maybe I could write everything is cool, “no problem” songs?

Dio, we need more songs like that.

plenty more where that came from. I’ve written so many songs like this, the problem is that they just aren’t gig material, where do they belong? I keep being told that I should learn covers and write happy songs! How proud I am to tell 'em all where to go :p hehe


PS I am beginning to understand why I can’t write lyrics worth a crap. Happiness? Pain? Yeah, I guess I feel those but most of the time I am content and blissfully ignorant. I believe it’s a blessing but sometimes I wonder? My wife tells me that if I were any more “laid back” I’d be in a coma.

Maybe I could write everything is cool, “no problem” songs?

Some of the best songs are laid back! Oh! Oh! I know!
“don’t worry, 'bout a ting, coz every liccle ting, is gonna be a’ight”
you could be the next bob! :p

I wanted to let you know, My daugher Melissa, (the electronic alien?) says yesterday, " my favorite song is the Pigs!" ( Yours that is)

" Really? you like it better than Hanna Montana?"
"Yes daddy"
So there you have it, you
´re #1 in the 7 year old charts. And beating out Hanny Montanny is no easy feat!

How cool is that?! My work here is done :;): Thanks Melissa, you totally made my day.
Your song made me smile :agree:
(especially the part about all the other aliens having four legs and you having three, made me giggle). you got my vote hunny, good luck x

Ange x

thanks,i relly apreciate it. i,m glad you like my song.
i,m so suprised and your song rocks! :agree:
bye bye melissa

Well, there’s always that tired cliche, “happy songs sell records, sad songs…” etc.

…aaahhh must be an American cliche then? Never heard it meself…please enlighten!