How to cut SELECTION multitrack and paste into new project

Hi all, went through tutorials and user guide of Studio 10 Pro on iPad - but cannot find any reference on how to CUT a SELECTION of multitrack audio recording and PASTE it into a new project. Say I am recording my band’s gig as one long recording of 1-2 hours. Now I need to extract just one song and insert it into a new project. How is that done? TIA for your advice.

You can duplicate the song, then edit the duplicated song to cut out the unwanted parts.
To duplicate the song you can tap the home button to open to the song browser, long press over the song icon, then tap ‘Duplicate’. You can either duplicate the whole song folder, in which case the audio files also will be duplicated, or you can duplicate only the song file, which will remain in the same song folder and will share the audio files with the other song.


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Hi Flavio

Implementing your advice I was successful in creating a new song by eliminating all the other songs on the huge multitrack recording (9x1.5Gb WAV). However, when I want to export the small relevant sections of the new song (which should be ca 9x60Gb WAV) it still shows 9x1.5Gb WAV. How do does n-track handle that?

Background: I want to share the multi-track recordings with the band, so each member can access and use it to listen to his contribution.



if you want to share the song as multitrack project, and want to avoid sending very big files, once you’ve created the new song that only plays say one song out of the long recording session, you can then use the bounce command to bounce the tracks to new wave files. In this way a new wav file will be created for each track which will contain only the audio data actually used by the track, as opposed to referencing a small section of a much larger wav.
When you export the song only the bounced wavs will be included making the file size much smaller than if the wavs contained all of the recording session.


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