Hurricane Pam Exercise Concludes



BATON ROUGE, La. – Hurricane Pam brought sustained winds of 120 mph, up to 20 inches of rain in parts of southeast Louisiana and storm surge that topped levees in the New Orleans area. More than one million residents evacuated and Hurricane Pam destroyed 500,000-600,000 buildings. Emergency officials from 50 parish, state, federal and volunteer organizations faced this scenario during a five-day exercise held this week at the State Emergency Operations Center in Baton Rouge.

The exercise used realistic weather and damage information developed by the National Weather Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the LSU Hurricane Center and other state and federal agencies to help officials develop joint response plans for a catastrophic hurricane in Louisiana.

“We made great progress this week in our preparedness efforts,” said Ron Castleman, FEMA Regional Director. “Disaster response teams developed action plans in critical areas such as search and rescue, medical care, sheltering, temporary housing, school restoration and debris management. These plans are essential for quick response to a hurricane but will also help in other emergencies.”

“Hurricane planning in Louisiana will continue,” said Colonel Michael L. Brown, Deputy Director for Emergency Preparedness, Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. “Over the next 60 days, we will polish the action plans developed during the Hurricane Pam exercise. We have also determined where to focus our efforts in the future.”

A partial summary of action plans follows:


The debris team estimates that a storm like Hurricane Pam would result in 30 million cubic yards of debris and 237,000 cubic yards of household hazardous waste
The team identified existing landfills that have available storage space and locations of hazardous waste disposal sites. The debris plan also outlines priorities for debris removal.

The interagency shelter group identified the need for about 1,000 shelters for a catastrophic disaster. The shelter team identified 784 shelters and has developed plans for locating the remaining shelters.
In a storm like Hurricane Pam, shelters will likely remain open for 100 days. The group identified the resources necessary to support 1000 shelters for 100 days. They planned for staff augmentation and how to include shelterees in shelter management.
State resources are adequate to operate shelters for the first 3-5 days. The group planned how federal and other resources will replenish supplies at shelters.
Search and Rescue

The search and rescue group developed a transportation plan for getting stranded residents out of harm’s way.
Planners identified lead and support agencies for search and rescue and established a command structure that will include four areas with up to 800 searchers.

The medical care group reviewed and enhanced existing plans. The group determined how to implement existing immunization plans rapidly for tetanus, influenza and other diseases likely to be present after a major hurricane.
The group determined how to re-supply hospitals around the state that would face heavy patient loads.
The medical action plan includes patient movement details and identifies probable locations, such as state university campuses, where individuals would receive care and then be transported to hospitals, special needs shelters or regular shelters as necessary.

The school group determined that 13,000-15,000 teachers and administrators would be needed to support affected schools. The group acknowledged the role of local school boards and developed strategies for use by local school officials.
Staffing strategies include the use of displaced teachers, retired teachers, emergency certified teachers and others eligible for emergency certification. Displaced paraprofessionals would also be recruited to fill essential school positions.
The group discussed facility options for increasing student population at undamaged schools and prioritizing repairs to buildings with less damage to assist in normalizing operations
The school plan also calls for placement or development of temporary schools near temporary housing communities built for hurricane victims.
The Hurricane Pam scenario focused on 13 parishes in southeast Louisiana-Ascension, Assumption, Jefferson, Lafourche, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. John, St. Tammany Tangipahoa, Terrebonne. Representatives from outside the primary parishes participated since hurricane evacuation and sheltering involve communities throughout the state and into Arkansas, Mississippi and Texas.

On March 1, 2003, FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. FEMA’s continuing mission within the new department is to lead the effort to prepare the nation for all hazards and effectively manage federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates proactive mitigation activities, trains first responders, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration.

Hurricane names alternate sexually, sort of like Abba.

(And Little Richard too I 'spose. ???)

Anyway, “P” will not be a female “Pam”, but rather a male like…Phoo I 'spose. ???




so stand by Yaz et al.

A 20 foot storm surge ain’t nuthin’ compared to trying to explain to your wife thirty or forty bedraggled, but very satisfied looking, Whitney Houstons stretched out on the kitchen floor! :D


Hurricane names alternate sexually, sort of like Abba.

Doesn’t it depend on where it originated from, northern or southern hemisphere?


Doesn’t it depend on where it originated from, northern or southern hemisphere?

Sort of like INXS? You stick a shotgun in your head and see which way the brains go?

Nah, hurricanes stay in the hemisphere they originated in.

And the USA disregards anything that’s happening in the rest of the world. :D

Anyway, you have cycloplopanomes down there don’t you?

Only one eye, but one helluva a blink! :D

Quote (Guest @ Sep. 03 2005,02:29)

And the USA disregards anything that's happening in the rest of the world. :D


I hope you were joking Ali!


Main Entry: cy·clo·pro·pane
Pronunciation: "sI-kl&-'prO-"pAn
Function: noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary
: a flammable gaseous saturated cyclic hydrocarbon C3H6 sometimes used as a general anesthetic

No, wait the word you used was “cycloplopanomes.” What the heck does that mean? ???

You guys did read the article - Pam is a simulation.


So what’s your fucking point Soul? I had a whole diatribe written but decided I couldn’t be fucked.


No, wait the word you used was “cycloplopanomes.” What the heck does that mean?

Merely a pathetic attempt to hybridise Cyclops and cyclone; don’t worry about it. :)

so, etymologially, the wheel of the wheel (or the circle of the circle) of the eye?


So what’s your fucking point Soul?

Be nice Willy.

better move - she’ll be posting new predictions soon

Ok, I’ll play nice Toker. My point is that it doesn’t need a cut-paste of an exercise done 2 years ago to see that the whole things been a travesty and a cause of shame for your country.

Here’s just a few of the facts as I understand them.

- New Orleans levees were built to a cat3 standard. Not to cat5.
- They’ve been that way for years. This is not just Bush’s fault, but also those before him.
- Bush jnr has put your country’s funds (and soldiers) into invading iraq rather than civil defense programs.
- The time taken to respond has been dismal, but instant decisions under pressure don’t seem to be Dubbya’s strong point either.
- People are shooting at the helicopters trying to sort this shit out. WHAT THE ####!!??
- There’s now a shoot to kill policy for looters (fair enough, imo)
- Old folks are being found dead in their nursing homes because no one thought to check on them
- The Superbowl basically went into anarchy for whatever reasons, which is imo a betrayal of those who went there in the good faith that the gov would at least help them out.
- Black people “loot”, white people “find”
- People staying at the Hilton get evaced first.

Don’t blame the hurricane or the lack of gov funding for this shit, people make the choices in how they react.

And, in a small moment of bad taste, a link.



Don’t blame the hurricane or the lack of gov funding for this shit, people make the choices in how they react.

Willy, obviously you are much smarter than the average Joe… Just how long did those people think it would take to mobilize enough people and equipment to do the job? Since NO and LA officials had DAYS of warning, why did THEY not have plans in place? Why did they depend almost 100% on the Feds to plan a bailout?


Hind sight is 20/20. There are tons of folks to blame. The looters (White, black, purple, or green), the poor preparedness of local and federal agencies, the poor planning of the city in general over 100 years, the media being dopes, poor public education, social welfare programs, the last 12 presidents (Warren G Harding was in the Klan afterall.) and maybe a whole crap load of rain… Perhaps in 50 years we will find out it is indeed the fault of global warming, the industrial revolution, or pissing off Trogdor the Burniator, sub-god to Lord Barfington and leader of our quadrant of the universe. This thread is stupid.

The latest issue of Scientific American presents the idea that we have 50 years to figure this out, and if we blow it we screwed. I suspect in 50 years we will know that we’ve messed up, that global warming, industrial revolution in a user society, and Trogdor are all a serious problem, and we won’t be able to do much about it. I figure my grandchildren, if I have any, will really be screwed.

Personally, I think Keith Olberman got it right:

scroll down for the link -

text here: