I am in the land Down Under...

My first visit to Australia…I am in country for 10 minutes when I hear of a couple having their canoe tipped over by an alligator and that the man is missing…


Didn’t think they had alligators down there!



ok then, a Croc. I don’t know.

Either way, I like it.

Yeah, we have crocs here, Freshwater ones and Saltwater ones. The Salties are the ones that eat people… Photo in the paper last week of one taking on a bull shark, and winning…

Where abouts are you Clark?

That’s an incredable story. I believe that when you’re in the LAND-Down-Under, you need to treat your visit with most respect. Otherwise you might return short of a limb… or something… Mabey, not at all… Consider that country, a land of frontiers… What with the southern and south-eastern shores, of that continent… I think it would be a fastenating place to visit…


Yeah and we have Kangaroos hopping down the main streets here too :)

If you go into the bush then you just have to be careful… there are snakes and spiders and other animals out there… get in there way and they may not like that…

Don’t worry Clark, they shot the croc they think ate that guy…
I will never understand why people would go swimming or boating in areas inhabited by crocs anyway.
Apparently this couple were locals so knew the risks anyway. Not like they were some ignorant tourists who didn’t know any better…

More people get killed by cars than crocs anyway. that’s what you gotta be careful of :)


Oooohh… I am GREEN with ENVY!



I am in Brisbane. Love it so far…

My ex-brother-in-law who’s been in OZ for about 30 years told me that the crocs take quite a lot of tourists; they go for a gentle evening stroll along the banks of the river, (Goolagong, Bilabong? well, whatever they’re called), and SNAP! Munchity-crunchity, bye-bye tourist.

But I suppose every country has its dangerous hazards that threaten the unwary visitor. My recent trip to the USA showed that over there, it’s zebra crossings, (or PedXings as they call them I think).

In the UK, a red light to a car means stop; amber (yellow) means get ready to stop, and green means go if safe.

In the US, green means “carry on regardless”, yellow means “put the pedal to the metal and go for it”, and red mean, “close your eyes, put the pedal to the metal, and go for it”. :(

But it seems OZ has more than its fair share of dangerous beasts; but the story that Oz has the most venomous and dangerous snakes in the world is simply not true…the spiders have killed most of them. :D

Hey clark? If you see that Dundee fella… tell him he still owes me 50 bucks eh?

Tank, driving in the US: More dangerous than pissing on an electrical distribution transformer. Not for the faint of heart. Even in the boonies where I live. Put someone behind a steering wheel and they go numb from the neck up!



My ex-brother-in-law who’s been in OZ for about 30 years told me that the crocs take quite a lot of tourists; they go for a gentle evening stroll along the banks of the river, (Goolagong, Bilabong? well, whatever they’re called), and SNAP! Munchity-crunchity, bye-bye tourist.

Worst thing was, they weren’t tourists. It was a local bloke who’d been fishing in the area for years and would joke about the crocs getting him. People fish there all time (it’s clearly posted that the crocs are around), but in a decent sized boat, not a canoe. They’ve shot the croc, or at least one that was found in the area.

I am in Brisbane. Love it so far…

If you end up in victoria, let us know.
