I just need to vent a little...

so, normally my budget is pretty tight. I have no money left over after paying bills etc…

This month however, I’ve been completely screwed.

Earlier I had to finally get some car repairs done. I’ve put it off, but it was emissions related and it was time to renew my registration/plates and I had to go through DEQ. On top of that, the electronic door switch in my driver’s door quit working and made my alarm do very funny things that didn’t allow me to use my car.

so there’s $1,250 to get it fixed, then another $75 to renew my registration.

Also, I’ve finally gotten my upper wisdom teeth pulled which was about 4 years over due. That cost me $250.

I just had a vasectomy as well, and I haven’t gotten a bill yet, but I’m sure there will be a little bit after insurance.

Last week, I apparently messed up some auto-pay thing on my credit card and subsequently didn’t pay this month’s payment. instant 30% APR and $40 fee on $4500. I’ve worked it out so that I’ll pay the $240 minimum payment next month and they’ll put the balance back to the 0% apr offer as well as refund my $40. Still, in two weeks I owe them $240.

tonight, my wife’s tires finally gave out (at least one of them) and I therefore have to get at least two of the tires fixed (the other two are relatively new) so that’s $150-$200.

Which brings my approximate grand total for the last two weeks and next two weeks to $2000 bucks.

Dear God when will it ever end!!!

Fortunately I have a reserve line (credit account attached to my checking) so I’ve never bounced a check, but still, after all this, my checking account stands at a healthy -$1250 after I get settled.

The only light at the end of the tunnel is the $2400 I should get back in taxes whenever they get around to sending it. so much for paying off some more of my $90,000 debt in credit cards/cars/school. Plus my wife’s just started going back to school for her degree. Yay!!! more school loans…

Anyone feel like crying sometimes?

Same type of thing happened to us this week, but not to the degree you have it !

Its usually also the month where you are hoping that everything just cruise along because you really don’t have a cent extra when all of this happens…

Take care !


I feel your pain guitars. And just for the record, it never gets any better. Your kids grow up, get married, have kids, and they never stop hitting ya up for finacial help. Then your daughter lets you know she’s getting a divorce and needs help with lawyer (blood sucking leeches) fees. Then the appliances you own always somehow manage to go on the fritz when this happens. All the strings on your guitars rust because you don’t have any extra cash to change them. Your hair falls out. Your knees and back stop working. Your wife yells at ya constantly. Your grandson tells you that your glasses are broke, cause he doesn’t know what bi-focals are. You get a bad case of sinus flu and after insurance you still pay out of pocket over $100. The dog urinates on your foot!

Oh well, at least you have your sanity. Ain’t life grand! :D

Money is the lubricant that the world turns , on…

I can hear it squeeking… way up here… :O ???

I could recall that “THINGS” would get Tight on the avgerage of 2-times a year… then, it went to 3-Times/months… Now it’s at least 4-Times/months… and going to 5-Months…

Is IT supposed to get better? ???


awesome! and people wonder why we write songs that are so ridden with depression… oh well. I’m taking an investing in stocks course this weekend and my father-in-law is spotting me 3K to use in the market. If all goes well in a couple of years I’ll be on my way to richdom. :) here’s to hope.


Also, I’ve finally gotten my upper wisdom teeth pulled which was about 4 years over due. That cost me $250.

I just had a vasectomy as well, and I haven’t gotten a bill yet, but I’m sure there will be a little bit after insurance.

So are you just suspeneded in a vat of frozen peas? Dude, wisodom teeth out suck… and I remember the day my dad spent after the snipping with a sack of frozen veggies in his “lap”. Sounds like you need a drink.

Hang in there g69. Murphy kicks us all in the teeth every now and then.

I remember when I got my “valve job”… I was worried sick things would not work properly. So that night… TEST DRIVE! The wifey thought I was outta my mind but I said “Hey. If that Doc messed up and this thing don’t work anymore… I wanna know RIGHT NOW!” :D :D

It worked. Whew… :p


Quote (guitars69 @ Feb. 24 2006,09:11)
awesome! and people wonder why we write songs that are so ridden with depression... oh well. I'm taking an investing in stocks course this weekend and my father-in-law is spotting me 3K to use in the market. If all goes well in a couple of years I'll be on my way to richdom. :) here's to hope.

No one really makes money in the stock market, of course, except for people who have LOTS and LOTS of money to start with. Not to be a wet blanket, but be careful, that 3k is really not much in market terms, but it sure is a lot to working folks like us, and sure can disappear quickly. Often courses (dunno about yours) on the market are filled with hype and false hope for people who are worried about their financial situation.

Sorry to hear about your financial woes. The harder I work, the more money I seem to not have. :(

Hope it all works out for you.

Yes it sucks when it all happens at the same time. It can be hard to hold depression away, but you need to keep remembering that it will get better eventually. Even just one problem solved makes the whole mess a little easier to deal with in your mind. If you lose sight of that, you will start making bad decisions, and it will only get worse.

Isn’t it funny how it only takes a few months of your car working fine, that you forget what a pain it is to deal with when it fucks up. Everytime the bloody thing starts costing you extra $ for one reason or another, it comes as such a huge shock, like you never knew it was coming. It’s so stupid, it was ALWAYS gonna come back and get you again.

When shit starts piling up like this and my mood gets affected, my wife usually reminds me that I am still in a way better position than some other no-less-deserving person who was simply unlucky enough to be born in, say, Darfur. Then I realise that I’ll be ok as long as I keep perspective.

Sending out good vibes !

Quote (kymarcus @ Feb. 25 2006,11:22)
…still in a way better position than some other no-less-deserving person who was simply unlucky enough to be born in, say, Darfur. Then I realise that I’ll be ok as long as I keep perspective.

A very, very good thing to keep in mind whenever you’re in immediate danger of disappearing up your own as$hole, methinks :)

yeah, I do that too. I occasionally see images of someone somewhere who’s having what we’d consider to be a HORRIBLE life, and I get grounded a little more. Despite that, you can’t help but be frustrated.

Yeah, be glad you don’t have a borfin that schlumps. :D

Yeah, or a schlumfin that borfps. That’s even worse :)
Of course things can be frustrating. Still it’s important to put them into prespective. Howzabout this ? I recently did the same upper-wisdom-teeth-pulling-stunt. I didn’t really enjoy it, but realizing that pulling teeth is the first thing I’ve come across in ages that is cheaper in Norway than the in US made me feel just a tiny bit better :laugh:


(psst: what does “borfin that schlumps” mean ? )

Sounds like Dr. Seuss to me… :D



OK. So do I win a prize?


Yup. :D