Interesting read .................

Albert Einstein “stuff”…


I found this bit interesting…


Over the past decade, physicists have come to appreciate, to an even greater degree than in Einstein’s day, just how little they know about how the cosmos works. The latest observations indicate that 95 percent of the universe consists of stuff we don’t understand:

Dark matter, which can only be detected through its gravitational effect, makes up about 25 percent.
Dark energy, a property of empty space that seems to be pushing galaxies farther apart at an increasing rate, accounts for the other 70 percent.
“In a sense, it’s the ultimate Copernican revolution,” says Sean Carroll, a physicist at the University of Chicago. "Not only are we not at the center of the universe — we’re not even made of the same stuff as most of the universe is made of."

Neat stuff. What say ye’ forumites?


EDIT** Found more Einie stuff…

“The independence created by philosophical insight is — in my opinion — the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth,” Einstein wrote in 1944.

And he was an accomplished musician. The interplay between music and math is well-known. Einstein would furiously play his violin as a way to think through a knotty physics problem.

Hmmm, I knew there was something different about us. We don’t jive with other life forms, like those darn Klingons. LOL

"The independence created by philosophical insight is — in my opinion — the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth," Einstein wrote in 1944.

I love that - these days many physicists dismiss stuff like m-theory as "mere philosophy." :)
Quote (TomS @ April 19 2005,06:19)
"The independence created by philosophical insight is — in my opinion — the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth," Einstein wrote in 1944.

I love that - these days many physicists dismiss stuff like m-theory as "mere philosophy." :)
Yeah Tom, I believe the abridged version is "Some can't see the forest for all the d@#m trees!" :D

In reference to Einie playing his violin to think through a tough problem.......... I wonder what the boss would say if I put in a requisition for a Marshal stack and a Les Paul to help me "think"? :D :D


TG, you could start a trend - we have had workout rooms, drumming circles - why not a strat and a stack? :)

Now who would WANT a strat and a stack?

…Oh yeah, Jimi


Of course, Einstein was not the only big-brained fiddler.

Sherlock Holmes (Sherl to his very closest friends), fiddled frantically whilst thinking too.

But the big difference between them was that Einstein only solved two problems, (relativity and photo-electricity) whilst Sherlock solved hundreds; and this is probably because Sherlock partook of cocaine; but Einstein didn’t (probably).

So, if Einstein had of snorted while fiddling, he probably would have solved the “faster than light” problem. (Although whether he’d have worked out how he could slow down again, is a whole other question). :D

That last one is easy. Just turn the light off! :D


Quote (Ali_T @ April 21 2005,00:25)

I didn't mean YOU turn the light off Ali-dude! LOL!! :D


Sorry TG, but I wrote a post that I considered amusing, but upon review, I realised that it was probably offensive to those not of the “Scots earthy sense of humour” persuasion. :D

My Grandmama Bruce would aprove.

(Actually, she’s my wife’s grandmama, and long gone, but that doesn’t matter.)

My Grandmama Bruce would aprove.

She didn't have one of those giant spiders did she? ???

Actually, speaking of Robert the Bruce, (well, sort of).

Have you ever thought about the fact that he, Jack the Ripper, and Winnie the Pooh, all had the same middle name?

Makes you wonder doesn't it? :(