Live problems, frustration

Cant do it!

Hey guys

I know this has been gone over before, but I still can’t make head nor tail of it.

Im using N 4.2.1 build 2099, and my soundcard is a Delta 1010lt.

Im just getting into recording my band live, where I used to record every body one at a time. But hitting the Live button is producing a huge delay (Maybe 2 secs). Changing the buffering settings on N doesn’t seem to change anything, and the same goes for the DMA buffer size on my Soundcard. (Whatever that is)

I don’t think this used to happen before I got the Delta soundcard, but as Ill be recording 4 instruments (Including drums) at the same time I need all the in-outs on it and can’t go back to my generic card.

Why is this happening? What can be done? I could go back and record one at a time, but even then my bassist wants to hear what hes playing over the track, and besides, some tunes just sound better when everyone is playing together, they have a bit more swagger to them that can’t be re-created on overdubs.

Its late, Im tired of trying ways to make the thing work, and at this point if I don’t go to bed Im likely to have an argument with my computer that it just won’t win… So any suggestions at all would be great.



Why don’t you just press record? instead of live?

Doesn’t the delta come with the option to record 4 tracks at once without using (live) mode?

I could have sworn those cards do it wit the right configuration.

Sorry couldn’t be of more help.



Yes. What Jerm said. You don’t need to use LIVE mode to record unless you are using VSTi plugins or effects.

If you want to hear what you are playing you need to monitor through a hardware mixer or via the soundcard’s software mixer. IIRC the Delta mixer defaults to “off” in this respect. Can’t remember the exact setting at ATM but it’s been covered here before and should be in the Delta manual.


Hi, You don’t need to use “live” mode.You need to use the delta panel mixer.

(start/settings/control panel/Delta panel) and in “patchbay/router” set HW/op 1/2 to “monitor mixer” then select Mon mixer and put up the appropriate faders for H/W i/p’s 1/2, 3/4,5/6 etc to hear your incoming signals and Wav o/p 1/2 fader to hear your previously recorded tracks.


Quote (nick @ Oct. 14 2006,10:03)

You need to use the delta panel mixer.

(start/settings/control panel/Delta panel) and in “patchbay/router” set HW/op 1/2 to “monitor mixer” then select Mon mixer and put up the appropriate faders for H/W i/p’s 1/2, 3/4,5/6 etc to hear your incoming signals and Wav o/p 1/2 fader to hear your previously recorded tracks.


There you go… (good one nick).



The embarrassment of it all… Thanks a million you guys, now I can let you get on with answering real problems.


Hey, if you can’t record the way your are trying to, it is a real problem.

Most of the problems do seem silly when we look back! :D

keep shinin’

jerm :cool: