McKay goes down fighting

Hey phoo - what’s the deal with this?

McKay goes down fighting.

It appears that McKay, who was a good US Attorney, was forced out for political reasons, i.e., the gubernatorial election.

Now he & other attorneys who were abruptly fired are telling their stories & they are indeed quite interesting. More Republican corruption?

I have no idea. I hadn’t heard about it until now. There was so much crap being thrown around back then that I stopped listening and decided to wait and see which way the poop fell after hitting the fan. Sounds like funky monkey business to me considering the similarities of the stories and methods used in the firings. I mean there are good reasons some attorneys don’t get promoted or are fired from government positions in spite of what may seem obvious at first glance. I just don’t know enough yet to make a judgment about McKay.

I won’t say Republican corruption. I would say politics as usual.

Toker, take a look at the list of folks who have been fired, qualified folks, fired for no reason, and draw your own conclusions. Hardball politics. Crap, if you ask me. Crap, even if you don’t ask me! :)


“The department stands by the decisions” to fire the eight prosecutors, William E. Moschella, principal associate deputy attorney general, told the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law.

“To be clear,” he said, "it was for reasons related to policy, priorities and management that these U.S. attorneys were asked to resign."

What a load of crap.

Uh, I’m sorry, that’s bullshit, really.


“To be clear,” he said, "it was for reasons related to policy, priorities and management that these U.S. attorneys were asked to resign."

And of course, it had NOTHING to do with upholding the law and working within the bounds that is our legal system and has been our legal system for a long time.

I still can’t remember who said it, but I do remember what he said…

"There’s some who want to rule so they can help others,
and there’s some who want to rule so they can help themselves,
they all want to rule!"

And I suppose that’s what we get, whether we vote democratically or live under a dictatorship.

I suppose though that a democracy is better, 'cos if nothing else, we can feel smug about it.

But whatever system we live under; the trash still has to be taken out, the neighbours are still a pain in the arse, and as always, death looms with a welcoming grin.

But politics is good, 'cos if nothing else, it always gives us something else to bitch about. :D

phoo - I know that there was a lot of crap during the election but this firing occured afterwards & it’s a US Attorney. I thought you might have heard something about it.

Tom - it definitely sounds suspicious to me.

Nope. I don’t remember hearing a thing until today. I suppose there could have been some press coverage at the time, but I didn’t see it. That’s more proof that it was business as usual I suppose.

Here’s some more from the local news, this morning.